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Today's rambling: College life
Written on September 29, 2001 at 1:31a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

HA HA!!!! I have commandeered Tiff's computer, and am now writing an entry from that computer! It's very spiftacular. Though the keyboard is giving me's one of those curvy one, and there's nothing WRONG with it, it's just different! Someone emailed Jenny!

This is SO weird, being in a dorm room! It's actually making me want to go to college, which is bad because that's exactly why Mom was so excited for me to go!!! And heaven forbid I should give Mom the satisfaction of hearing me say I'd halfway like to go to college! However, it's just the dorm part that's fun so far...who the hell would want to do the CLASSES part? ;)

I'm half afraid to write some of this stuff, in case someone looks over my shoulder and says "hey, why are you talking about me?" But I'm not saying anything BAD, so I guess it's okay! So now I'm going to talk about something (WARNING: sappy) that I've been thinking about all night!

Well, first off, when I'm by myself I don't usually think about boyfriends, things like that. Y'know, 'cause I'm okay by myself, and without reminders...well, yeah. But Tiff and Dustin came down to pick me up, and they're always so affectionate with each other, and I don't mind that at all, it just makes me jealous! :oP I know, that's totally silly, and I know Tiff'll be reading this eventually, so don't be offended by me writing this! ;) I just started thinking about MATT again, and it's totally pathetic because he doesn't and will never end up liking me...I mean, he never even replied to my email, and I know that guys are no good with communication, but after a year, you'd think maybe he'd drop a little "hi" note or something!

So blah blah, that had me jealous. But then I see Tiff's friend Jenny with a pin on her jacket that says "TKE". My immediate thought was "Tau Kappa Epsilon", the fraternity that Matt's in. But then I thought, "Nah, it can't mean that...I'm just too obsessed with this stuff!" But, lo and behold, that's exactly what the letters stood for! So then I thought, "Aw man, I would LOVE to tell this story to Matt!" But I CAN'T, because apparently he doesn't want to keep up communications with me!

BLARGH! I hate this sort of thing, it sucks! I'm supposed to be up here to have fun, and instead I'm mooning over a guy that I shall never have! The Fates are cruel, cruel entities. But I think I'm just tired, and that's what's making me all melodramatic and stuff!

So instead I'll talk about cool stuff, like the college campus! We didn't get up here 'til after 11 pm, so obviously the sky was dark. But immediately after exiting the car, I was hit by just how DIFFERENT it all is. An apartment right across the street from the parking lot was alive with sound, people talking loudly and laughing. I imagine it was a group I'd never want to hang with, but just the same, you don't typically get that sort of noise in any other sort of apartment building!

Then, right outside the dorm building, there were kids sitting outside, hanging in the streets, just generally behaving as one would with no authority figures around. Nothing spectacular, but still, just the feeling was neat! And the campus...oh my god, it is so BEAUTIFUL! In a small town, and many of the buildings remind me of old colonial-type styles. Which they could be. I'll ask Tiff right now! Oh, it was originally founded in 1812, so I guess it's not really colonial! Hehehe...well, some of them STILL look like it!

Hmmm, what other stories can I relate, even though I haven't been here for all that long! Hehehe...

Basically as soon as we got here, we went to WalMart. Bwa ha ha!!! It's like OUR store! Tiff, Dustin, and I went with Jenny and Janette (I kept having the strong urge to call her Jam!!)...I bought one of those hint books for Paper Mario, which I probably shouldn't have done because I should try to finish the game by myself! But sue me...I bought the book for Mario 3 when that game first came out!

Blergh. I think I'll probably like the campus more at night than during the day, LOL! More romantic (and not in the kissy-kissy sense..I mean in the poetic sense)! Though hey, seeing the guys was kind of cool, too! *giggles* Of course, I'm sure any of them that I'd have the vaguest interest in would be attached...and it doesn't MATTER anyway, because I'm not even going to be here that long!!!!

So now I've come full-circle to thinking about Matt again! I have a story that I'll have to relate in here eventually...the whole fraternity thing reminded me! I know, you're all so excited, right? Shut up. :oP

I think I'm going to go now. Tiff said she doesn't mind, but I still feel rude here taking her computer for so long! So I'll leave. ;) The ethernet is fun, though! So's like, "WOO!" Hehehe...and I feel better now that I've been able to write all this out. I can't say all this to anyone, so telling my diary is ever so much nicer!

*hugs to Jam 'n Lola* I miss you two!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!