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Today's rambling: I'm THAT good
Written on August 30, 2001 at 10:13 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

There's something I just can't figure out. Why people like me. And I don't mean my friends, because friendship is built...I'm talking about just people. Strangers. People I work with but don't really know that well, y'know what I mean?

Mum's always telling me how people at work tell her what a nice girl I am, and how they love me and are glad I'm back. I'd like to pass that off as just a "Well, she's Amber's mother, so I'd better say something nice," but if they didn't like me, then they wouldn't say anything at all, right? Well, maybe in most cases, hehehe.... ;) At any rate, I just don't get it. And I'm not asking anyone for affirmations, here -- this isn't a Berry Pity Party, LoL! ;) I'm just musing to myself, as is my right, since -- say it with me, now -- this is my diary. There we go, I knew you could say it!

Just today, I was in the back freezer looking for some boxes of rolls that I needed. As I was coming out of the freezer to look for a cart, Mum came into the back room and said, "Well, hello Ms. 'One Step Below God'!" I was like, "Wha..?!" Because, well, I had no idea what she was talking about. ;) As it turns out, though, she'd seen Zenon sometime that morning, and he told her that I was "one step below god", because I was such a good worker or something like that. I think I probably blushed, but then I was like, "Why does he say that? I'm really not that great a worker!"

And I don't think I am. I mean, I don't slack off as much as...say...the girl Vicky that works at night (she does nothing AND drinks other people's sodas), but I'm not like Employee of the Year or anything, either! I work slow, and I'm constantly asking questions like "How do you do this?" and "How long do I put this bread in for?" (substitute 'bread' for whatever I happen to be about to bake.) So I just don't understand why he thinks I'm this terrific worker! It's flattering, of course, just a little befuzzling!

As for all these people thinking I'm such a sweet girl...that REALLY puzzles me. I don't think I'm a mean person, but I feel almost like a person who's won an award that she didn't deserve, but because of some fluke, there it is! I dunno, I'm not really dwelling on this, so it's not like I'm going to start moaning "I HATE myself! I'm such a loser!" Hehe...I'm just...befuzzled, as I mentioned before!

Oh well. Maybe there's something about me that others see but I don't? I just wish it would stop being all the older, matronly women who say that! Why can't guys my age think that, LoL!!! Not that they'd tell Mum if they did, but no one seems to have any interest in me! *giggles* All the guys around me have guy's engaged...yeesh! I'm tellin' ya, I'm a dork magnet. You wait and see. First dork that gets employed...he'll be all over me. What, you think I jest? Come on, I'll bet you.

I can't think of anything else to write. I think this pizza is giving me heartburn. Of course, the three Everlasting Gobstoppers (which aren't, I might add, everlasting) couldn't have helped. :oP I'm such a piggy! *looks down at her thighs and nods affirmatively* Definitely a piggy. :oP Hehehe...

So I'm going to go, because now Wickit, my dog, is in here looking longingly at this lonely slice of pizza. Begone, small beast! *runs screaming as her 20-pound dog attacks her :oP *

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!