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Today's rambling: Yeah, another entry!
Written on August 25, 2001 at 2:07 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Well. Tiff and I went to the petstore around....7, maybe? I can't remember the time exactly. And the bunny I wanted was GONE!!!! I just knew that was going to happen. I found out later that he'd been sold just like half an hour before I got there. Can you believe it?! It just figures, that's all I can say.

But the trip wasn't all for naught! Of the remaining little bunnies, one was a light brown color (but totally unfriendly and kept running away), two were black with white collars, and two others were solid white with lil' pink eyes. I decided that I wasn't leaving that petstore without a bunny, not after all the agonizing I went through when I was thinking of how to broach the subject to Mum! So I took an insanely long time deciding just which bunny I wanted. He'd have to be friendly, of course, but none of them were coming up to me the way that other bunny did! :( Thus, I leaned in to pet them all, seeing which ones ran and which ones didn't, and then I picked up a of the black bunnies (with the wider white collar) was really sweet and calm, but then there was this wee little white bunny who was sweet, too!

As you might've guessed already, I was debating between those two for quite some time. The black one finally decided me, though, because he kept standing on his hind legs and peering around all curious-like. So I took him home. ;) Actually, I don't know if it's a boy or a do you sex rabbits? *laughs*

After Tiff left (I shall discuss this part later!), I took Bunny (he has no name yet) out of his cage and curled up on the couch. Well, actually I laid down on the couch and put Bunny on my stomach...after a little while, he was laying against my cheek, and I was so tired that I leaned into his soft fur and dozed off...or maybe I fell asleep, 'cause when I opened my eyes again, it was an hour later, Bunny had only stirred slightly twice, and I'd drooled slightly on his fur. *giggles embarrassedly* He makes a wonderful pillow! And he's so loving...quite unusual for a booneh (as Jam called it)! Now, if I knew whether it was a boy or girl, I could give a proper name!

So now to Tiff! Tonight was her last night before college, and I'm gonna miss her SOOOOO badly! She's my best real life friend (doesn't that sound funny...), and now that she's going back to college, I'm not gonna have anyone around here! :( Well, at least I'll still talk to her online, and I've always got me Jam! ;) But nonetheless, I'm gonna miss the midnight Wal-Mart raids, and our little Blonde Moments! *giggles* It's not like she's gone forever, though...just a few months, and it'll be summer again! ;)

I was going to share more, but it's almost 3:30 (lost track of time 'cause I was reading through rabbit informational stuff), and I have to be up for work at 6 am! So tootles!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!