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Today's rambling: An Aquatic Christening
Written on August 24, 2001 at 9:06 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

*totters in*

*ducks her head a little and smiles winningly at everyone*

I think I'm gonna have my buuuuuunn-eeeeeeee....

That is, if Tiff doesn't get bogged down in packing and stuff and can take me to da petstore! *giggles* I pounced on Mum this morning when she woke up, bombarding her with all sorts of cheery things (including showing her that song I thought she'd like), and then gave her my piteous story of the wonderful petstore bunny and how friendly he was. This was all before I asked if I could have it. I knew if I sat here for several hours before asking her, I'd figure out the best way to do it! ;) Ply her with cheeriness, give her good things, show my generosity by giving good things to the dogs as well, appeal to her compassionate nature, and SPRING the question on her!

Hee hee! My mummy's so cool...most mothers would be like, "No, you're not bringing those things in my house!" and my mum's like "Whatever." Well, not for EVERYTHING, but she's got a soft spot for animals! I'm jealous of her..when she was a kid, she had everything from dogs to muskrats to little white skunk babies! I mean, she got just about every sort of baby critter available in Virginia, LoL! I guess that's what you get, growing up in the country...she even had a horse at one time! Is animal-loving genetic or something? I think it manifested itself in me, hehehe....

So yeah, as long as no one else comes along and buys my dear bunny, he'll be mine! I'm all excited! I just hope no one's in the market for bunnies today, because if they take mine, I'll be heartbroken! After all this effort, just to have him snatched up? Not to go all New Age-y on y'all, I swear it seems like it was 'meant to be' or something! I told Tiff that we needed to get the bettas put into plastic bags, and that's what brought me by to see the cute bunny...Mum said yes to it, and I did NOT expect her to say yes at ALL, cheerfulness or not! So bunny's just GOTTA be there when I get there! ;o)

My little gerbil pup (Parvati) is such a cutie! Yesterday while I was talking to Tiff, I was sitting in the 'Rodent Room' and just idly placing my hand inside the cage, trying to get the babies used to me (last time I tried to pick them up, they did everything in their power to get away from me)...Much to my surprise, little Parvati toddled up, sniffed for a second, and then stepped casually onto my hand! They're only a little over 3 weeks old, and their eyes just recently opened, so they're still very tiny and wobbly and cute. Anyway, I drew my hand out of the cage (with her still perched on my curled fingers), and petted her for a few minutes. Then I put her back in the tank, and chatted with Tiff for several more minutes. Putting my hand back in the tank (to see if she'd do it again), I was happy to see that she did! I did this about 4 times (giving several minutes between each try), and she climbed up onto my hand each time! Then she climbed up my bare arm to my shoulder...quite a tricky feat for such a little thing! Most adult gerbils wouldn't dare it!

It must've been my day for friendly critters or something...I've never had a gerbil who was so friendly and playful! Especially not a baby...all the babies my gerbils have had have all been skittish and psychotic! :oP So I'm hoping that Parvati stays this friendly...I've always wanted to have a gerbil like other people talked about, who came up to you and climbed onto your shoulder and stuff! (Sad existence, I know.) Her twin, Padma, is still skittish, but she did climb onto my hand earlier today!

Meanwhile, Squeaker and Kenevil are just as odd as usual, though they seem to be squeaking less. Sleep a lot, though. Not nearly as much fun as my two girls were! :(

My two older bettas are well, though the white-ish one is really psychotic. He flares his gills and fins at the food as it drops in his little bowl, as if the pellets are suddenly going to swoop down and attack him. My first betta, I thought, was pretty placid for a Siamese fighting fish, but tonight when I put the new fish in his bowl a small distance away, Betta #1 got all flared up and angry. I was quite surprised, seeing as he wouldn't even flare up for his own reflection like the other two! But what can I say, he's getting tired of all these males taking up his shelf space.

And no, I have no idea what they're named. Oo! I just thought of it! Athos, Porthos, and Aramus. The Three Musketeers! Damn I'm good.

Good day, everyone! ;)

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!