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Today's rambling: No way! A cheerful entry!
Written on August 14, 2001 at 5:18 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I've been talking about work too much here, so I'm going to NOT talk about work for once! Whee! *dances around*

Have you ever just sat back and wondered how you came to be friends with people? How Fate just seemed to bring you together? There's the negative side to this question (such as, how did I really get to be friends with people like Mel, who seem to care more for what possessions you have than who you are)...but then there's the positive side, like how did I ever get such terrific friends like Janette and Tiff and Laura! Granted, Janette and Laura are my online friends, but why does that have to mean that they're any less than the friends I have in real life?

I don't know why I got on that train of thought (no, Tiff, I wasn't blowing up balloons! *giggles*)...I guess maybe it was a combination of reading Laura's diary and getting my birthday present from Janette! If I could divide myself up, I'd send one of me out to Arizona to hang out with Laura, and my other self would be shipped via airmail to Australia, so I'd finally be able to meet Janette! And then, of course, there'd still be one of me here in Pennsylvania to hang out with Tiff. ;)

There's something either IN my room or just outside that keeps making this annoying loud popping/sputtering noise. Sometimes it sounds like it's coming from somewhere outside, and at other times it sounds like it's coming from that stupid radon tube that goes up through my closet. I hate that thing. It makes this constant whirring noise thanks to the fan which supposedly moves the radon up the tube from the basement...and now it might even be sputtering? Bah, at least the radon was quiet! ;)

ANYway...I wrote about the whole sleeping from 2:30 pm to 2 am I think...yeah, so I didn't go back to bed that day, and I was doing well until around maybe 7-something that night. Tiff came over, and then we traveled over to a local pet shop to see if they had betta fish (because she wants to get one). Then we went back to her house so she could show me this website layout she'd been working on, and that's when I suddenly started feeling really tired. I hate that! But I tried to fight it off, because of course it would be a little rude to just fall asleep while you're out with friends! ;) Anyway, we went back out to Wal-Mart because the little betta plastic tank-thing that I'd bought had this huge crack in it (which I hadn't previously noticed because it was in a box). I closed my eyes on the way there, hoping maybe that the brief rest would wake me up a bit...and I almost fell asleep!

So then on the way back, we picked up her brother (who'd been at marching band practice), then stopped back at her house to drop him off...It took us awhile, but we finally left again, and went to Wendy's for dinner (which was the only place open after 10pm!)....Then we went back to my house to watch DragonHeart: A New Beginning. I don't even know if I made it halfway through the movie, but I woke up around 4 am to see that the house was dark and Tiff had left.

Let me tell you, I felt absolutely TERRIBLE!!!! I remember I'd been shutting my eyes every so often just to see if I could take away that heavy, burning sensation that happens when you're tired...but I guess that last time I did it, I kind of forgot to open my eyes again! :oP So I hope Tiff wasn't offended or anything...she knew I was tired, so it wasn't as if I just abruptly decided to try sleeping, LoL! But still, I felt like since she was in my house, I shouldn't have fallen asleep because you just don't fall asleep on guests, that sort of thing. Ah well, I'll just have to apologize and explain later on. ;)

OH! For any of you who haven't seen my website in the past couple of days, I changed servers (from to Geocities), and I did a completely new site layout! Granted, there's javascript and inline frames, so maybe most people will be like "Eew", but go see it anyway!!! Please? *attempts a wide-eyed, pleading look* There's no guestbook on the site or anything, so it's not like you'd have to SIGN anything, hehe...I kinda stopped using guestbooks because people liked flaming me for whatever reason, and I don't like that! Well, who does, really, but you get the idea. ;) So anyway, if yer interested, there's a linky button on the lefthand side...the one that says "Berry Patch"? ;o)

Right now, I have to rant about something else. I just looked up at the top of my browser window, where all the buttons and things are? ("Duh", everyone says...) I downloaded Hotbar awhile ago (the program that lets you have a picture at the top of the browser, instead of just boring gray?)...Well anyway, I think it's just a waste of disk space. I mean, by downloading Hotbar, you have to have this stupid added part on the toolbar (THAT's the word I was looking for!) with all sorts of buttons...only one of them even pertains to Hotbar! The other ones are just generic Web-related things. So with all the buttons and the address bar, you really can't even SEE the picture you put on your toolbar! Thus, in conclusion: If you've ever thought about getting Hotbar, don't waste your time. Unless you're just making nifty designs (i.e. not using actual photographs or anything), you can't really SEE anything anyway! :oP

Laura's made me jealous, talking about her newly-painted room! I still don't know if I'd actually want to paint my walls, just because I'm afraid I'd get tired of it more quickly than I get tired of the white walls, but I wish I could make things different! With my purple carpet, I'd have to paint the walls in a color that would match, though, as opposed to having generic beige carpet (where I could paint the walls virtually any color I wanted). I had a dream once where I'd painted the walls with a textured paint roller, and the paint itself was very very light purple...and then on the ceiling, I did something with a darker purple. I know, like this is interesting or something! But at first, I'd actually considered painting my room like that. Right now, though, all I'm interested in is getting some shelf space, because I need places to put my stuff! I'd like to get some of those plastic drawer things they sell at Target, so I could put all of my notebooks inside.

Maybe I should write to Oprah and ask her to find a professional to just totally redecorate my room. *giggles* On second thought...I wasn't overly impressed with the redecorations of other guests' rooms and homes, so I'd better not! ;)

For now, I guess I'd better go. I want to rinse out the gravel and stuff for that betta thing, and then I'm going to move my poor male betta from the aquarium downstairs. I think the female bettas have been picking on him, and even though normally I'd be saying, "Yeah, go females!" I happen to like my male betta! ;) So I shall go now!

As an added note: After looking at my site tracker, I saw that someone found my diary after putting 'ranting amber' into the Google search thing. Do I know who that is? *giggles* I don't know, it's just very amusing for me to see someone typing that into a search engine! Then again, I'm entertained rather easily...

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!