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Today's rambling: I'm a proud dork!
Written on August 2, 2001 at 3:23 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

La la la, what to babble about today...I had this incredible urge to write just a few minutes ago, but now that I'm actually sitting here staring at the blank space, I find my mind has gone totally floof! And I don't know exactly what 'floof' is, but in this sense, it's not very good! :oP

I should go to bed. It's 3:30 am (well, almost), and Tiff and I were planning on getting up semi early-ish to go over to the stables and ask if we can help out! What I'd really like to do is saddle up one of the horses and go trail riding or something, but oh well! It's supposed to be really hot (and probably humid) out later, though, and I HATE hot weather!!!! Bleh! "Well, Berry, just suck it up and deal!" is what you're saying, right? Pbbbbtttttttt to you! ;)

Oh, here we friend Laura, who can't use Diaryland anymore because it won't load on her computer for whatever reason, has a new diary-ish thing on And tonight she wrote an entry, with a paragraph that I just loved (I hope she doesn't mind, but I'm going to copy it!):

Monster Laura(tm) is incurred by several things, now that I think of it. Screaming babies; insolent children; inattentive parents; drivers; litter; bad customer service; irritating idiots on the message boards; my ISP; pages that won't load; sexists; nationalists (who like to be called patriots); bad music (Eminem, N'SYNC, Britney Spears, etc.); ...that's all I can think of right now. But it's quite a list, eh?

Heh..makes me feel like listing things that transform me into Monster Berry�...yeesh, doesn't that sound so pathetic? 'Monster Berry'....oooo, it invokes feelings of pure FEAR!!!! Quake, foolish mortals, for I am MONSTER BERRY!!!!!

Yeah. So basically, what I loved so much about that particular paragraph of Laura's is that her first 3 Monster Laura�-invoking things are the same as mine! I think I've already said in here before that I dislike children with a passion (I don't know why, I just do), so obviously screaming babies and insolent children are going to irritate me! Heh. 'Irritate' is an understatement. If taking hard objects and thwacking the insolent spawns wasn't thought of as bad, I'd probably have done so numerous times by now!

And I don't know WHY I dislike children so much! I think I was put on this planet to take care of animals...who are like 50 times better than kids 'cause they don't give you cheek, they only disobey you because they can't understand you all the time...and most of the time they're quieter. Hehehe...Children = Spawn of Satan. :oP *grins impertinently at everyone who thinks she's terrible for saying that*

Argh, where is my Jam?! Janette, that is. ;) She's probably still at uni, but I'm really REALLY planning on getting offline soon, so if I don't see her, then I'll be sad! On the other hand, it'll probably be a good thing if I don't see her, just because then I won't WANT to leave, and then I'll end up going to bed at 6 or 7 am, which means I won't want to get up at ANY time before 5 pm. *giggles* Ah, the problems of being on Australia Time when you live in America...

What else has happened today? Oo, I got some fungus-removing stuff for my fish aquarium, since I'm running out of the stuff I already had. Fascinating, eh? They had the prettiest male betta (Note: I was spelling it wrong in my last entry!) in one of the aquariums, and I wanted to buy him so badly! But I already have a male, and you can't put two males together or they'll fight each other. Stupid males. Like you're really achieving anything, killing each think the other fish are going to look at you and think, "Wow, those two are really butch!" (I can't believe I just used that lame word) They'd probably swim around thinking, "Geez, losers...Whoever lives through this, let's gang up and kick his ass." ;)

Tiff's thinking about getting fish, and now I'm all excited and want to go out with her to choose a tank and gravel and plants and decorations and her first fish....*laughs* I told you, I love my animals, so I get excited about this sort of thing! ;) If she could fit a small tank in her dorm room at college, I think it would be great for are relaxing to watch, so if she's had a particularly stressful day, she can just sit down and watch them swim all calmly and stuff in their little aquatic world!

So anyway, she's more organized and detail-oriented than I am, and so she bought a little book at Border's about starting an aquarium. It tells you about different filtration setups, gravel types, what fish are best for beginners...and it also has a little information about different sorts of fish. Turns out, bettas are called 'labyrinth fish', because they can breath air at the surface. Now I understand how they can be kept in those little glass bowls you see at pet shops! Still, it's not good to keep them in such small bowls...something more like one of those betta vases would be better. But at least now I won't feel as bad when I see them in a bowl with no air circulation! They can still breathe!

And now that I've completely bored anyone who might have been reading...well nyah, it's not my job to entertain you, LoL! I'm writing because this is what's going through my head at the precice moment of writing. Yeah, I'm just THAT good. :oP

Blargh, Neopets is being a bitch! *sighs* I need to get something from the Pharmacy, and it's not restocking! GRR! Yeah, I know, I'm a dork for playing there...I just like earning Neopoints by playing the games! Which still classifies me as a dork, but yeah. I wear the name with pride! ;o)

But speaking of websites not working, FanFiction.Net had an outage thing probably close to a week ago, and according to the notice on their main page, they don't think they'll be back up until August 8th or 9th! *sobs* I've been going through FF.N withdrawal!!! They can't do this to me, not when I was getting so popular in the forums! *laughs* No, I wasn't popular, but I was having fun making new friends 'n stuff! I need new friends! Hey, you Diaryland folks, email me! LoL, no, just kidding, you don't have to...and with my luck, you'd email me and say bad stuff, so stay back! We must be friends at a distance! :oP

Okay, that was the third consecutive paragraph that ended with a smiley face...not that it matters, I just need to cut back on my smilies or something! *shrugs* Anyway...

I think that's all that's going on in my wee little head at the moment. I'm going to go beat the Elephante shopkeeper at Neopets, sing along with John Denver (mwe he), and see if I can find some other stuff to do! I should see if is working again so I can finish up some stuff on my gerbil page...but I'm feeling lazy. >_<

Oo, and my best good friend Janette is online now, so I'll have to talk to her! But she's eating vegemite-and-butter toast right now, so I'll have to wait. Bwa ha ha ha....I'm broadcasting your life on MY diary, Jammykins! What do you think of THAT! (Actually, she might kick me, so I shouldn't ask that question, hehe)

Adios, my at-a-distance friends! ;o)

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!