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Today's rambling: Tim the Blockbuster Man
Written on July 14, 2001 at 3:08 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

My, it's a good thing Friday the 13th was over, because it was just soooo riddled with bad luck. *rolls her eyes* Honestly, where did that stigma come from? It's more of a self-fulfilled prophecy than anything...superstitious folk keep thinking, "Ohh, I'd better watch what I do today because I'm going to have bad luck in everything!" and sure enough they do stupid stuff like dropping books on their feet or getting caught in a stampede of raging, rabid koalas....

Yeah. So Tiff and I didn't actually go out tonight until about 9 pm, which meant that the only store we could go to was Wal-Mart! We went to the one nearby, however, instead of driving miles and miles to the Superstore which is in...*looks blank* I don't know where it is, but it's out there. ;) She found material for her dress (it wasn't the material she'd originally wanted, but she got it anyway!), and I decided to get a new pattern, because I've been having too many doubts about the dress pattern I got first. *giggles* I like this one more anyway, because it's fun! And since I like showing things off, here's a picture for all of you!

M'new dress..well, hopefully

Purty, eh? Well, it's not as pretty as the other one, but like I just said, it's more fun! I can pretend to be a serving wench, WHEE!

I think it's funny how some people, when pretending to be in Renaissance times or whatever, like to pretend they're nobility. Where's the fun in that? Well okay, I can see the good points, hehe, but when you're playing a peasant, you can get away with more because you're not expected to act properly! Mwe he he...well anyway, that's just me!

A doubly good thing with making this costume is that if I ever joined the Society for Creative Anachronism (can't remember the URL), I'd have a costume to use! Yay! Not that any of you have any idea what I'm talking about, but if you're interested in medieval stuff, then look up the SCA on a search engine! ;)

After our little shopping trip, we went to Blockbuster...again. And the same guy who waited on us the night before (Tim) was there...again. Okay, I admit it, I have a crush on the guy!!! Can I help it if I think he has a cute grin?? I feel silly, though, not only because I said in my previous entry that I wasn't getting a crush, but also because I've only seen the guy two times! Yeesh! *smacks herself*

It was rather funny, though. (Or maybe it was only funny to Tiff and I 'cause we were there?) We picked our video (Sailor Moon, which hadn't been there the night before or else we would've rented it then), and then we walked up to the front counter. Tim (I feel odd calling him by name when I don't even know him) was there, so I was like, "Hello again!" Blah blah, Tiff rooted around in her purse for the membership card she'd been given the night before. The cards now come in this cardboard thing with some other reward incentives (can't explain), and you're supposed to separate card from cardboard, but she hadn't done that yet. So Tim the Blockbuster man had his little scanner thing ready, and Tiff slaps out this large piece of smooth, laminated-ish cardboard. Laughing, she says, "I looked at it, really I did!" And of course he laughed (because Tiff and I are the Queens of Wit). ;o)

Now, along with a new membership, you also get this coupon or whatever for one free video rental. The night before, Tim asked if we wanted to use that now, or save it, and Tiff said to save it. Tonight, he saw her trying to root through her wallet and so he asked if she just wanted to use the coupon, but she gave a little "Eh" that meant "Nah", and he grinned, looked at me (because Tiff was rooting through said wallet, so he couldn't look at her) and said, "Or you could just save it again." Are you all enthralled yet? *peers* I shall continue.

AS Tiff was searching through her wallet for change, coins fell out onto the ground. GASP! I hear you all say! Now shut up, you're making me feel embarrassed for relating this story to you! Or maybe it's the fact that "Kung Fu Fighting" is playing on my CD, and it's just a song that makes me feel really dorky for listening to it. Anyway, the two quarters kind of rolled under a little overhang thing, and so I was trying to bring them out with my foot. "Ah well, we could make some little kid happy," I remarked, finally crouching to pick the coins up. Our Dear Friend Tim joked, "Or you could make one of the employees happy" (get your minds OUT of the gutter, he was just commenting that Blockbuster employees are really sweatshop workers and don't get paid. Or not..)...I retrieved the coins, like a good retriever, and Tiff said, "No, we're not going to make you happy." Yes, even dear Berry's mind was gutterbound on that one. But that doesn't mean yours should be!

As we left, I was SOO close to saying, "See you tomorrow!" But I was laughing too hard to get the words out. At any rate, Tim the Blockbuster man has become a joke between Tiff and I. Not in a bad way Tim, don't get paranoid! *cackles* Anyway, out of my happy world of delusion...

After that, we went back to Tiff's house to pick up some snacks (since my house is all but devoid of food). I love teasing her younger brother, it's too easy. ;) He informed Tiff that Mel had called, and he told her that Tiff was at my house. Ooo, I just sort of cringed. Mel is hyper sensitive to anyone moving in on her friends, so no doubt she's taking this sudden exclusion as a sign that we don't like her anymore. But in truth, it's just that she's been working, Tiff now has a car, so rather than have the both of us sitting at home doing nothing, we go out and shop and stuff!

When I got home, I found out that Mel had called my house as well (shock), but she didn't even leave a message, which I think is a sign that she's no so happy. Well, she can just get the hell over it, because if she's going to act like a baby, she's not worth the effort of my concern anyway! Of course, I could be overreacting, but with the way she was being so retarded last night when Tiff and I went to bug her at Redner's, I think I have justification in thinking that she's at least a little jealous or irritated or something. Don't worry, Mel, I'm going to be getting a job again soon, so you won't have to worry that someone's taking your best friend away...even though you treat her pathetically!

I have no intentions of fighting over Tiff. She's both our friends -- she's Mel's best friend -- and that's fine with me. I know that just because she's best friends with someone else, that doesn't mean she can't be friends with me, too. And for the most part, I'm a solitary person, so if I don't get to hang out with her every day I won't be upset. Mel has this notion that she is the sun and the world revolves around her, however, and so heaven forbid Tiff hang out with someone else while she has to work!

Yeesh, I have to STOP saying irritable things about her! Not because it's a lie or anything, but because I'm not going to get over my Mel Intolerance if I keep bringing up all her bad points! Of course, it would help if there were some good points I could talk, she can be nice, and that's the only reason why I'm not going to ignore her altogether. I just wish she'd SHOW the nicer aspects! Wait, this sounds like a familiar lament...For the full story, look at another entry of mine. ;)

And with those words, I think that's my cue to leave. It is now 3:40 in the morning, and I'm bound and determined that I will go to bed before 5 am! That way, maybe Tiff and I can actually get out at a decent hour to go fabric shopping! We still need grommits and boning (if you're going gutterbound again, my friends...well, Tiff and I have already made our jokes about that), and I need fabric, period! But the Renaissance Faire might be closer this year! *crosses her fingers*

Here are some words of wisdom for you until my next entry:

"Play that funky music, white boy! Play that funky music right! Play that funky music, white boy! Lay down the boogie and play that funky music 'til you die!

'Til you die!

Awwww, 'til you die, yeah!"

*bows and exits*

last or next

Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!