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Today's rambling: You won't use ME, biznatch!
Written on July 10, 2001 at 12:32 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

If only it could have happened to *N Sync instead...tonight on the news, I found out that Backstreet Boy AJ McLean was admitted to rehab for depression and alcohol abuse! Who'd have figured? Well, okay. I guess to be honest, just by looking at him you could imagine him to be the sort to get into alcohol and stuff. But he's always seemed like a fairly nice guy! I guess depression can do that to some people, though...glad I haven't gotten that bad!

Two of the New Kids on the Block members were on the Oprah show today...Jordan Knight and his brother, Jonathan (or however he happens to spell his name). The focus was more on Jonathan, though, 'cause he has an anxiety disorder. And boy band or not, I felt SO bad for the poor guy! He was up there on the stage, wringing his hands and looking like he was in such pain...which, when he described it, I guess he was. When you get a severe panic attack, you can hardly breathe, and your heart starts beating really fast, and a lot of people say that they're afraid they're going to die (which I imagine only makes the attack that much worse). There were several times when the camera panned over to Jonathan that I thought he was about to burst into tears or something, he looked so pained. Aww, I feel bad for him just thinking about it!

Mel thought she'd be able to use me again today, hehe...well okay, that just sounded really bad, but I'll explain. Whenever she rents movies and wants to watch them late at night, she and Tiff come over to my house because Mel assumes that she can be as loud and obnoxious as she wants (since Mum's too polite to say anything, even when she's trying to sleep). We usually jokingly refer to it as 'using me', because basically, that's what's going on. I don't really blame Tiff or anything, because she's not like that. But anyway, today around 4 pm or so, Mel called. I didn't answer. She called again a few hours later, but I was down at my neighbor's house feeding the cats and letting the dog out. So THEN, around 10:45 pm she called AGAIN!

"Finally! Where the hell were you?" she greets me.

"At the Bernardini's," I told her. She didn't need to know that the Bernardinis are on vacation.

"Well, what are you doing now?" (Watching porn, you twit.)

"I'm about to go to bed, actually," says I. (Heh.)

"Oh. 'Cause I rented a movie, and Tiff and I wanted to come over to watch it." (Oh, darn.)

Anyway, I just kind of giggled in what I hoped was a sympathetic manner, and she said, "Well, I guess we'll just watch it at my house." (Gee, and here I always thought you'd suddenly forgotten how to work your own VCR!) She then proceeded to tell me that she'd called earlier today because she 'felt like swimming,' and I was the only person she knew who had a pool. This is true, but I'm tired of being used! Bleh!

By the way, I wasn't really watching porn, hehe...Not like I needed to make that clear, but you never know!

After I hung up with her, I proceeded to my room, turned on the computer, and here I am now. Though actually, I didn't go online right away...I watched the 11 o'clock news first and found out about AJ. Ahh, I can already see VH1's "Behind the Music". Wonder how long it'll take them to pounce upon this mishap and twist it to hopefully attract viewers who otherwise hate VH1 because they rarely EVER show an actual music video.

And y'know, that brings me to another rant. What is UP with all these shows on two stations that are supposed to be playing music videos? MTV = Music Television. Do I see any music videos? Only when Carson's hosting every teenybopper's favorite show, TRL. And they don't even show the whole music video!!!! The point of the show is supposed to be to show the videos that people vote for. Aren't they sort of defeating the purpose by showing half the video? And you'd think that at least the Number 1 video would get the whole thing shown. But no. Not that I mind, 'cause the last time I watched it was BSB's "More Than That," and while I like the song, the video just bothers me (Kevin needs a haircut SOOO badly!!!!).

And then there's VH1. Doesn't it stand for Video Hits or something? I only see videos in the wee hours of the morning (during their 'Insomniac Theater' -- I'm not an insomniac, dammit! I'm just on Australian time!), and then on their occasional Top 10 countdown thing. They show the same episode over and over again, which is a little annoying. But most of the time, they've got these shows like "Bands on the Run" and "Behind the Music", and other silly things. MTV, on the other hand, has intelligent shows such as "Undressed". If I wanted to watch almost-porno, I'd re-subscribe to Cinemax! Oh, wait...Skinamax doesn't show almost-porn, they show...well, you get the idea from its unsavory nickname.

All I want are some music videos, that too much to ask? *throws herself on the ground and sobs, kicking and flailing* Anyway...

Last night I made a slogan, and it is as follows:

Greasy, Not Fake

WTF?! I hear you all saying. Yes, I can tell what you're thinking, even without knowing if anyone is actually reading this entry! Why? Because I'm outside your house stalking you, at this very moment. But seriously, here's where my slogan came from.

In the Harry Potter movie, the very yummy villain-actor Alan Rickman is playing the part of Severus Snape (the Potions master will never been better-looking). Now, while I think he'll be excellent in the role (from the voice clip I heard in the trailer, my opinion has only been strengthened), I think the costume people should have done better with his hair. It doesn't look greasy like the book version of looks like he's wearing a wig! And unless the movie is going to have Ron saying, "Hey Harry, look at that rug Snape's wearing!" I think they should have made the poor guy's hair more realistic! It's supposed to look greasy, not fake! Understand where I got the slogan from, now?

It's the slogan of my new group, "Society for the Protection of Snape's Greasy Head." I'm kidding here, folks. I haven't started up any such society. Percy wouldn't let me. *cackles*

Okay, out of my happy land of delusion...

But speaking of slogans and things, I realized tonight that one of my rotating quotes ("It's a sock!") probably doesn't make sense to anyone but me. Therefore, in an effort to enlighten, here is the story behind that quote (so that you all may laugh, chuckle, or snort whenever you see it). The night that I went out with Tiff and Dustin, we somehow got onto the topic of the movie 'Labyrinth'. Dustin started to make fun of Jareth (played by David Bowie)...especially the 'tights' he wore for the movie. (I prefer to think of them as leggings, hehe...) That brought back thoughts of what my fellow Labyrinth forumers have oft discussed, and so I blurted, "It's a sock!" and giggled. So, for the rest of the night my quote was "It's a sock!" And that, my dear friends, is where my quote came from. You're laughing now, right? *peers...then sneezes* Don't try that when you haven't dusted your computer screen in awhile.

I went into a chat room with Laura and Janette last night, and had so much fun! I don't think I've laughed that hard in ages! We just kept jumping from topic to one point we were talking about lip balms, and the next we were discussing different creepy bugs! I hate bugs. I wish houseflies would go endangered or something, and as for the rest of them...if they're not butterflies, ladybugs, or teeny moths, I just wish they'd stay OUT of my house. Houses aren't bug homes, anyway! Bugs are supposed to live in nature! GO, bugs, be free!!! Let me live in my technological hut all by myself!!! (With my cavemen, two of which are hot, and one of which has only one tooth and is missing a few fingers. Inside joke.)

Yeah, so anyway...that's all from me! I know, I didn't give you my Views on Nose-Picking, and I apologize profusely for that (because with my extra-sensitive Berry stalking abilities, I can sense that you're all deeply disappointed). Maybe someday, I'll tell you all about them. ;)

On one last note, did you know that Cat Stevens converted to the Islamic religion back in the 70's? "Oo, baby baby it's a wild world..."

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!