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Today's rambling: Shake your ass at me, Nick!
Written on July 7, 2001 at 3:05 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at


I really have nothing to say this time around. And why is that, you ask -- nay, CRY? Well here's the answer, and listen well:

Nothing happened today.

That's right, my day held about as much excitement as a party hosted by Bill Gates. I did nothing. I woke up late, I laid around in my pajamas, I started to listen to music but was interrupted by Mum's return home....It was just a really lousy, uneventful day.

"But Berry!" I hear you exclaim. "There must be something you can share with us!"

And I'm afraid I must regretfully inform you that...well hey, I suppose nothing can be worse than my 'emptying the dishwasher' commentary of yesterday, so what the heck, I'll go for it.

I reached the last bad guy in Mario 2 (the American version) today. Yes, after the door attacked me (in the game, that is), I found myself face-to-face with a globe-spitting, crown-toting, green reptilian-like thing. I finally figured out that I was supposed to throw vegetables at it while its mouth was open (he WAS very fat...I suppose forcing him to eat veggies was painful for him), but alas, I never managed to defeat him. So somewhere in Marioland, that reptilian critter whose name I've heard is Wart is sitting on his reptilian critter throne and laughing heartily to himself. Sigh. Someday, we shall meet again.

"Making Me Sick" (also known as "Making The Band") was on again tonight. I watched with the disgusted fascination of a person who stumbles across a porn movie and finds they can't turn it off. I knew it was disgusting, knew I shouldn't be wondering if those dreadlocks of Jake's are real or if someone glued ratty animal pelts to his head, but I just couldn't help myself. But then finally I got over it, just as that porn-watcher does after the erotic sex scene is over, and I hurriedly flipped to the Disney Channel, where I happily settled down to watch Zenon: the Zequel. And that last bit was quite sincere; I happen to like Zenon, thankyouverymuch!

And that was it. Now, I'm sitting in front of my computer procrastinating, when I really should be doing something useful like coming up with ideas about the Site I Can't Seem To Start. Some of you may say, "Berry, if you can't get any ideas, maybe it's a sign that you shouldn't make the page." To you I say, BAH! If I want to agonize over this, I shall! :oP

But now that's it. Really. I can't even bitch about Mel today because I've successfully managed to block her from all my instant messaging services. Last night I made a mistake and forgot to block one, and was forced to listen to her talk about Nick Carter shaking his ass to the crowd of screaming, pre-pubescent girls. Oh, wait. That was her LAST concert. Yeah, Nick, shake your ass at me!!! Swoon!

I'm in a cynical sort of mood. Could you tell? And no, my imood icon shouldn't have been a hint. :oP

Added thought: Sometimes I feel like I should have a different background for my ugly entries, such as this one. Delicate faeries on light purple backgrounds just don't fit when I'm ranting. Maybe I should make an ugly background to fit my ugly moods. Hey, I know....I'll find a picture of Jake and his dreadlocks and make a layout out of that.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!