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Today's rambling: It looks disgusting, all pink and naked
Written on July 11, 2001 at 12:03 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Well, now that I've calmed down and can actually write without trembling so much that I hit the wrong keys (and after talking to a few people about it, hehe)...

First off, just about anyone who's read this diary and has seen the cliques on the side of the page knows I love animals. In most cases, I'll defend an animal over a human. And even after what happened tonight, don't really blame the animal so much as its owner. So with that introduction, here's what happened to me tonight!

I had just signed online and found that my father had written to me. After replying to his email, my head was pounding, so I went to take my contacts out and get some ibuprofen...however, I didn't know if we had any more, so I walked through the kitchen and to the back door (a sliding glass door) to ask Mum if she knew if we had any ibuprofen.

The door was opened just enough to let my head peep outside, thank goodness. No sooner had I opened it a little did my neighbor's German Shepherd (Bailey) start barking viciously. I was quick enough to get the door mostly shut, but he still got his snout in and was obviously trying to get at me. I have never been so afraid of an animal in my life before. I managed to get the door shut, but Bailey jumped at the glass so hard that the whole door shook, and he was still snarling and barking at me. By this point, I had turned and was walking back out of the kitchen, but in a fit of pique I just spun around, pointed, and screamed, "I HATE THAT DOG!" And then of course I immediately broke down into tears, as I always do if my emotions run too high.

It might not sound like a lot, but I just consider myself really lucky that I had sense enough not to actually go outside...otherwise, something worse could have happened. I think I've written about Bailey in this diary before, but at any rate, he's a very unpredictable dog. If he was just a small, yappy dog, I wouldn't care how vicious he was, because when they're small like that you can just take a stick to them and keep them away until you get somewhere safe. But with a big dog like that, and you never know when he's going to be nice or when he's going to be mean....He's even gone after Mum once or twice (though not with the same ferocity), and he knows her as well as he knows his owner! But you know, it's pretty pathetic when I can't even step outside my own house without that dog running off his property and over toward me.

Even after all that, though, I still can't really blame him. German shepherds are bred as guard dogs, police dogs, etc. Its in their blood to hunt and defend and all those other wolflike traits. Added to that the fact that he really isn't very stable, and I think you can understand why he needs to be leashed. And that's all I want. I don't want the animal killed, or taken away...I just want him kept on his property. But his owner, Adrienne, keeps saying stuff like "Oh, but he's such a good boy!" It's like she just can't comprehend the fact that her dog is unpredictable and dangerous! He already attacked some other woman...badly enough that she had to get stitches!

At any rate, I've always wanted a big dog, but after meeting this dog, I don't know. I've wanted to have a Rottweiler, because all the hype about them is due mainly to cruel treatment from their owners. Yes, some of the viciousness they're known for is caused by other factors (like inbreeding and just general wild instinct), but more often than not, the dogs are vicious because their owners treat them cruelly. I don't know if I'd ever want to take the chance on one now, though! Give me a golden retriever or something! ;o)

I've never claimed that animals are harmless or anything like that. I know they can be mean, I know they can kill. But that still gives humans no right to kill the animals. Wild animals act as they do because they don't know that some of us aren't out to harm them. In the animal world, you have to be on your toes and able to defend yourself (which is why humans would never make it in the wild without their fancy guns...they just don't have the instincts for it). Animals see humans--most of the time--as predators, because that's what we are. And if you've been faced with something that looks like a predator, what are you going to do? Wait to see what it does first? That could get you killed. So they strike, merely to defend themselves. And because of that, our gun-toting brethren go on a "Kill the Evil Beast!" spree. A dog harms a human severely, the dog is euthanized. A human injures (or kills) another human, and he's slapped on the wrist and permitted to go on his merry way, perhaps to kill another person (if he's caught again, he might actually get a life sentence...not likely, though). I have never, and I will never, understand the justice in that. Granted, you can't stick a dog in jail and hope it'll learn its lesson, but kill it? Yeah, that's what we do to them because apparently, they're stupid.

Maybe I should enslave a murderer, make him act just like a dog, and then when he kills someone, I can tell the judge to euthanize him. Hmm.

Now I'm getting angry, hehe...time for an ugly background theme, so I don't taint the pretty faeries!

And that whole rant stemmed from a close encounter with an angry dog. See, I told you I loved animals. Even when they attack me, I'm still there defending them! Oh well, even if I'm considered silly, I'm still glad I'm the way I am. And how many of you can say THAT? HA!

But you know what? I don't like apes. Chimpanzees, gorillas, the ape whose name starts with an 'O' (Orangutan? whatever) matter how much I love animals, I just can't find any room for them. *sighs* I like the monkeys with tails, but apes just...ugh! Shudder! I can't stand them! Especially that lack of hair on their bums. I know that's a really STUPID reason, but it's not the reason....I just hate that! It's all hanging out, pink and naked and just plain disgusting....COVER YOUR ASS, YOU STUPID MONKEY!!!

Sorry, I know this entry wasn't very funny. Not that I should be expected to be funny each time or anything (though usually, even my worst situations in here have had some sort of humor included), but I feel like if I don't have anything funny, then people will get offended at what I write and start flaming me. And now that July 4th is over, I can't use the flames for a weenie roast, so that just wouldn't do me any good.

I have to keep repeating to myself: "It's my diary, it's my diary..."

Oh. And before I leave....*gives out a HUGE huggle to Janette, because she's my most specialest friend!*

Ahh...I think I feel a sniffle coming on...what a moment! ;o) Now, everyone, I order you to go read something HAPPY! Because my entry today didn't have all its usual Berry-fied sparkle to it! *giggles*

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!