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Today's rambling: Happy 4th of July!
Written on July 4, 2001 at 4:13 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

The current mood of Berry at

Happy Fourth O' July, fellow Americans! *grins* Normally I don't make much of a deal of Independence day, but today I'm just feeling strangely patriotic! Maybe that's because Philadelphia's going to be on national television both in the morning (on Good Morning America), but then again at night for the fireworks and such! Philadelphia (the historic part, anyway) is lovely, and deserves recognition...especially on July 4th! So yay Independence Day!

*coughs* Okay, now that I'm done with my little patriotic cheering session, on to what happened today! It's rather embarrassing, actually. I'm still feeling rather guilty over it!

As I said in yesterday's entry, I was supposed to go to the movies with Tiff and Dustin today. Had my alarm set so that I could wake up early and everything. Well, I didn't end up going to bed until after 6 in the morning, and I didn't actually start to doze off until much later. Mum left for work, and no sooner had her engine started up did the phone ring. She has friends who love to call early. I ignored the first call and attempted to go back to falling asleep.

Wouldn't you know, a little bit later the phone rang again. I continued to ignore it, but no sooner had that call ended did another person call. Royally peeved, I jumped out of bed and stomped out to the Caller ID. It was the 'friendly Chevrolet dealer,' as he calls himself: a cracky-voiced, really gay DORK whose hormones have gone into serious overdrive...he wants Mum. So anyway, I was quite annoyed by this point, and instead of waiting for the five rings to be over (the answering machine picks up at 5 rings), I picked up the phone...and then promptly set it right back on its cradle. Show that geek. He didn't call again that morning.

But anyway, this is all just to show you why I ended up shutting my bedroom door. I could still hear the phone if it rang, but it would be so muffled that, once asleep, I wouldn't hear it. Unfortunately, I should have left the darn thing open.

My alarm rang at 11:45 exactly, but I was so zapped that I turned it off and just lay there for what I hoped would only be a few more minutes. When I woke up after 4 pm, I realized that more than a few minutes had passed, and that I'd totally missed the movies. Yeah, I know, I shouldn't have slept that late anyway. But when you're a nocturnal sort of creature, you tend to sleep most of the day away.

Upon going out to the Caller ID, I saw that Tiff had called no less than 5 times. Left messages, too, but by the second message I just ended up deleting all of them because I felt so guilty over missing all those calls! And she was probably thinking that I was ignoring her or something, too, because I had told her yesterday that I would definitely be going to the movies! Bah. So next time I talk to her, I'm going to have to apologize profusely.

I finally got to see the second Harry Potter trailer in all its clarified glory tonight, and I was in heaven. *giggles* The RealPlayer and Windows Media versions are SOOO blurry and retarded (as is true for any streaming video I want to watch), so all I could make out were shapes and things...but with Quicktime, it was like watching something on TV! It was so beautiful! *sniffles* Of course, the Malfoy kid is an ugly git, and I was kind of hoping for him to be cute (in a young, 11-year old way), but even though the actor was cute in 'Anna and the King', he turned ugly in this movie!

Snape's voice just gave me the shivers. First off, I think Alan Rickman makes the world's PERFECT villain, because he's all dark and shady and everything, but his voice is just so smooooth...granted, his Professor Snape hairdo is a little silly-looking (not really all that realistic, IMHO), but the voice! And that menacing sort of look on his face...YEAH ALAN! YOU GO, BAD GUY! ;)

Now I'm waiting to see Percy. *grins sheepishly* My favorite character used to be Remus Lupin, and I still do like him, but for some reason I've just started liking Percy. I always fall for the geeky, misunderstood ones in the end. Its part of my genetic makeup. ;) I saw a picture of the guy who's playing him, and he looks cute in that semi-geekish sort of way (rather endearing, actually), but I can't wait to see him as Percy Weasley! A fellow Percy fan said that she saw him, and he's apparently not going to be wearing his trademark glasses, which irks me a little, but I should be able to get over it if he's a good actor. ;o)

Hrm. Oh yeah, Janette had just gotten on, and I was looking forward to having a bubbly conversation like always, when through my open window I heard a car door slam. It was right outside on our driveway, so I knew someone was here. That someone turned out to be Mel. She'd just returned from a Backstreet Boys concert (sans most of her voice, which she'd all but lost from screaming), and said to me, "You said you'd go to Redner's with me to see Mike, right?"

Well, yes. I had. I would have preferred just a SMIDGE more warning, but yes, I told her I would go. (By the way, to anyone not knowing what Redner's is, its full name is Redner's Warehouse Markets. It's a grocery store.) So I put on a different shirt, slapped on a Hard Rock Caf� baseball hat, velcroed on my sandals, and off we went. I was aware that I looked like hell, but it was almost 1 in the morning and so I didn't care.

Mike, by the way, is Mel's newest obsession. She goes from one boy to the next like a junkee taking hits. For her, guys are as plentiful as oxygen, and equally as important while she's crushing on them...until the crush subsides, at which point they take on the importance of soap scum. Now don't get me wrong, I've had my fair share of crushes, but I don't guy hop the way she does. No, she never goes out with any of them (though for each one she whines and asks anyone within listening distance why he doesn't like her and what she could do to make him ask her out), but with the way she jumps around, you'd think she had years' worth of experience.

Her last crush, Josh, was admittedly pretty attractive. Younger than me, which automatically puts him out of bounds, but cute. not. Mike looks like a monkey in need of a shave. Hehe...okay, so I'm exaggerating, but he really wasn't all that attractive, and with the way she was going on about his smile and how cute he was, you'd think he was a regular Adam Garcia or something. Nope. (Then again, nobody can compare to that cute little Aussie, hehe)

But through all these crushes and "Why doesn't he like me?"s, I can proudly say that she has at least kept one crush up for quite some time: Nick Carter. Yes, he's become such a staple part of Mel's life that she even uses him as a meter rating. "Oh, he's cute, but he's no Nick Carter!" "He's almost a Nick Carter!"

I know, I'm sounding very bitter and sarcastic toward this girl right now. I get like this when her habits really start to grate on me, but within a few days (maybe a week or two), I usually settle down and I can go back to listening to her rant without really getting irritated. I've known the girl since I was in fifth grade, so I guess that lends a person a little tolerance.

What was really irritating me was her bashing Tiff. Yeah, she tends to do that when they've both gotten into a little tiff (I couldn't help the pun...smack me someone, please!), so I've come to expect this behavior. However, after hearing Tiff's side of the story first, I found it very hard to even pretend to sympathize with Mel. She got mad over the fact that Tiff and Dustin went to see 'Evolution' without her, when she clearly told Tiff awhile ago that she wanted to see that movie (even more than she'd wanted to see 'Tomb Raider'). Well, Melly dear, I suppose you know what it feels like now to be ditched? After all, I do recall you doing the very same thing to Tiff...and yeah, you did call her numerous times, but 'Tomb Raider' wasn't the only movie at the theater, and we could have easily seen something else!

*huff, puff* Okay, enough of that. I think you get the idea of how I'm feeling at this point! Thank goodness none of my other friends irritate me like this, huh? *giggles* Not that I can ever imagine myself saying "Geez, Janette just refuses to talk about anything other than herself!" or "If Laura asks why one more guys doesn't like her, I'll smack her!" (*grins cheekily at Laura*) Actually, I don't even know if you're like that, Laura...but you're so cool I figured I'd drop your name in my diary entry. ;oD

Aww, the cutest thing happened tonight! Well, cute if you like rodents as much as I do. ;) My dwarf hamster, Sparkles (the one whose picture I posted on here awhile back), was eager to get out of her cage tonight, so I brought her out to the living room. At that moment, the dogs started barking crazily outside, so I walked through the kitchen and pressed my nose against the screen door, peering out into the darkness as if I could actually see something. Mum and her friend were outside, so they could see me standing in the doorway, but then here's where the cute/funny part happened: Sparkles decided she'd like to try hanging onto the screen, and so she reached out her little hamster paws, latched onto the screen, and started climbing!!! She climbed all the way up without any problems, though I kept my hand right underneath her in case she missed and fell...aww, I guess you would've had to have been there, but it was so cute! I lurve my hamster! ;o)

My next project is to get "Boggart In My Closet" underway. It's a Harry Potter website I began ages ago, but like the Berry Patch, I'm taking forever to do anything with it. At least this time, I have the layout set up....but I need good content for it! If anyone has any good ideas (and you'd have to be a Harry Potter fan to suggest!), feel free to email me!

Anyway, that's it. I just found out last night that two people have my diary listed on their favorites list. Wow, I'm a celebrity! ^^ Seriously, though, I didn't think I had anything that interesting to say! So, I guess a 'thank you' is in order! Thank You! *grins* ;o)

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!