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Today's rambling: Manufactured Boy Bands
Written on June 22, 2001 at 9:19 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I feel like ranting again, so here we go! Sorry if I offend anyone! ;oP

I just finished watching a small part of "Making the Band" on ABC, and it was "Making Me Sick". *shakes her head slowly* Does O-Town seriously think they're a real band? They may be a real MANUFACTURED band, but they're nowhere near the real thing!

Well first off, let's point out a few differences. 'Band' brings to mind little things called instruments. Examples of real bands would be the Beatles, Queen, Matchbox20, the Corrs (*grins at Janette*)...y'know, people who can sing and play their own instruments? Groups like the Backstreet Boys, *N Sync, and O-Town are not bands. They're singing groups. Yes, a few members from each group might be able to play instruments, but they either 1)Don't play them well enough to make a regular thing of it, or 2)They just don't feel like playing one on a regular basis.

I'm not saying it's WRONG to be a singing group, but I'm so TIRED of all these manufactured boybands running around! And Lou Pearlman (or however his last name is spelled)....ugh, don't even get me STARTED on him, the rat! I don't even need to be IN a singing group manufactured by him to know that he can't be trusted. You can just see it by looking at his face...he's a shady character!!! Even if you can't tell it by looking at him, the lawsuits of two of his first products should tell ya!

Blech. In short, if I never see another boy band again, it'll be too soon. And I hope to NEVER see another episode of that sorry-ass "Making the Band"!

In other news, a girl on the Gerbil Mailing List is getting thrashed by the other members! Not that I think she doesn't deserve it, because she DOES deserve to be talked to, at least! She keeps buying all these rodents (gerbils and rats), and we suspect that she doesn't take care of/abuses them. She's almost constantly emailing death announcements to the list, and once she told us about how she 'accidentally pulled of a gerbil's tail'. Now, gerbil tails DO come off as a defense measure, but from what I've gathered, you have to be really tugging on it before it comes off! Anyway, just yesterday she emailed the list and said that not only had another gerbil died, but that there had been SEVEN of her pets that died within the past THREE weeks!!! Baby birds and assorted other poor critters...this girl should not be allowed within a ten-mile radius of any domesticated animal!

So naturally, other members of the list have become quite disturbed by all these deaths...and who wouldn't be (unless you're one of those cruel animal-hating asses)...this is animal abuse, and she ought to have her pets taken away from her! Of course, she replied to the list and said "If you're so concerned then why don't you take them?" and then proceeded to give us a list of all her animals. Apparently, she just went out today and bought a rat...but not just ANY rat. A pregnant rat. I pity the poor babies, being born around that irresponsible girl!

*breathes* But now to happier things! Janette's finally online again, hee hee! And I sent her parcel out to her today (or rather, Mum did)! It's basically a combination Christmas/birthday present, because I didn't get to send anything over for either. :- I'm so bad when it comes to sending things! I can't wait for her to get it, though! Can't say what's in it, though...hee hee, but I'll be sure to say something after she's gotten it!

I got a letter from Emma (my Swedish friend) today. She's so cute! She's always happy (or at least, she always seems happy), and she always writes so poetically! She kind of reminds me of a Swedish Anne of Green Gables in some ways, hehe! Her boyfriend included a tiny little note, too...I think they're well-suited, they both seem alike. ;) His little comment was funny, too! Really random...but I enjoyed the letter! I sometimes wish I could live in Europe. She told me about her upcoming vacation in July, and how she's going to Cretes (I think that's what it was, lol). Maybe it would seem an everyday thing to me if I lived over there, but to be able to travel to other countries for just a month or a weekend would be so cool! I guess maybe it's because all those countries are so close together...the nearest 'other country' I could travel to would be Canada, and not only does that not sound exotic to me (no offense, 'cause I'd still love to go to Canada), but it would take awhile to get there...whereas if I lived in England, I could just hop over the channel and visit France or something. ;o)

Yeah, and that was "Traveling With Amber"...tune in again for more ramblings on why I'd like to live somewhere else! *giggles* Though honestly, I'm happy just living here...Pennsylvania's lovely!

What else is going on? Nothing, really...and I've lost the urge to write anything else here, so I guess I'd better go! I think this might be the shortest entry I've ever made..yeah, go me! :oP

(Added note: It's NOT the shortest I've ever written...oh well, there's always another time! *giggles*)

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!