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Today's rambling: Acronyms galore!
Written on Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2003 at 11:41 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Isn't it weird how the older you get, the quicker years seem to go by? Geoff's sister explained it that when you're one (for example), another year is like half your lifetime (and so on), so of course it seems like forever. But then as you get older...I don't know, I can't remember exactly how she'd said it (or how Geoff told me she'd said it, lol), but it's so true! For me, anyway. It seems like just a short while ago that I was lamenting another lonely New Year's, hehe, and here I am again...lamenting another lonely New Year's! ;) Things just never change.

I'm feeling really drowsy right now. Probably because of that yummy pineapple thingy I made for myself. It has coconut rum in it. Only enough that I start feeling drowsy, though. LOL, I had a bottle of Parrot Bay all wrapped in silver foil under the tree on Christmas, so that day every time I looked at it sitting on the coffee table, various rum-related PotC quotes kept coming to mind. It didn't help that Captain Morgan--a pirate--was displayed prominently on the bottle.

I have to say (at risk of being mobbed) that I'm really not that into Mr. Bloom. When he's out of character, I think he's rather nice looking. But in LotR he just looks too feminine, and he looks kind of gay in PotC too. Maybe it's the long hair or something, I don't know. I'm not saying anything about his acting quality, I just don't get any sort of thrill out of looking at him. Unless, as I said, he's completely out of character...because there were some pictures in an old edition of YM that were very nice. Then again, Elijah looked pretty good in that edition too, as I remember! I had a crush on him from way back in the "Huck Finn" days, hehe...Anyone else ever seen that movie? I taped it, whether because I actually liked it or because he was in it, I know not.

There are 3 movies out right now that I really want to see. RotK, of course (even though I doubt I could sit still for 3 freakin' hours), but also Peter Pan and Mona Lisa Smile. I really ought to commandeer Mom's car one of these nights and go see at least one of them. Probably Peter Pan, and then Mona Lisa Smile. I'm sure I can wait until the last LotR movie comes out on DVD. I waited for all the others, after all! And it's not even as though I didn't like the movies, because I thoroughly enjoyed them. It's just that I don't think about them often enough that I'd die having to wait for the DVD.

Speaking of DVDs, however, my Flying Circus DVDs came in today! I finally got to see the Spanish Inquisition sketch for the first time, bwa ha! And I got to show Mom the Undertaker sketch. *giggles* That one's gross, but it still cracks me up.

Anyway, there's really nothing left to do on the grand ol' Internet, so I might go to bed. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow...which wouldn't bother me except the dentist will probably hound after me about my wisdom teeth again. Even if I wasn't afraid to get the surgery, I can't do it right now anyway because I have no insurance! So don't try killing me, because you won't get anything.

Hopefully they'll all tell me again what beautiful teeth and gums I have. *preens* Hehehe... ;)

Oo..on one last note, Gateway called Mom today and asked if she'd answer a survey thingy for them...Ha HA, she gave the lowest score for everything, complained about their crappy service, and said she'd never buy from Gateway again. For one rating, it was just a normal 1-whatever thing, and she was like, "That would be a zero." *cackles* She said the woman sounded all shocked and whatever. I quite enjoyed listening to it, hee hee!

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!