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Today's rambling: Il n'y a pas de justice!
Written on Friday, Dec. 12, 2003 at 10:56 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Craptastic! What justice is there in the world when a person gets sick right when vacation starts??

It started...Wednesday night, with this weird sore feeling kinda at the back of my nose. Hard to describe. It was like my throat, but behind my nose. With me? So anyway, yesterday it spread down to the rest of my throat, but it wasn't unbearable. However, over the course of last night it got worse and now it's just bleeeehhhhhhhhh. I'm very eloquent, aren't I? I think I caught whatever this is from my roommate, but it's progressing much more slowly than hers did, so who knows. With her, she started with a sore throat in the morning and by that evening, she was sneezing and blowing her nose like she had a full-fledged cold. I really don't get sick very often--usually only once a year or so--and thankfully whatever I get is always pretty mild. But it's still no fun.

Oh well, at least I don't have to worry about being sick on an outing with Geoff. His sister's coming in this weekend, so I won't get to see him 'til Monday or Tuesday...and by then, I should be getting over the worst of whatever I have. Unless, of course, it progresses so slowly that I don't even get to the worst part until then. X_X If that happens, I will not be going to Maine on Wednesday and Thursday as Mom and I had planned. Or rather, as Mom had planned. I don't particularly feel like traveling up there. Even though Maine is gorgeous.


I swear I thought I had stuff to talk about in here. But it's all flown right out of my head. Kristen got me Good Luck Bear for Christmas...he's very cute! And that particular bear is hard as BEANS to find (not that beans are very hard to find, but you get the idea)! Her mom had tried to find one for me for Valentine's Day last year, which I didn't find out about until yesterday. I thought that was really sweet. This particular bear has been sitting in Kristen's closet since August, hehe...Obviously, I'm not the snooping type of roommate! ;)

OH! Now I remember what I was going to announce to all of you. It deals with Gateway, aka Satan's Mistress. (*laughs* Hey Jam, yet more proof for you that I live in a very evil, dangerous place! Hee hee) Mom took my laptop over to the Country Store today to be fixed, and guess what? They got rid of their service center! How convenient, eh? The closest ones to us now are 45 minutes and an hour away...and I'm sorry, considering that it's THEIR incompetence causing this situation, we're not wasting gas money to take it somewhere else. So Mom called up Tech Service, I had to talk to them for a little bit about what was going on (my voice nearly giving out since my throat was bothering me so much), and I guess they're sending a box down so that we can send the computer ourselves. The guy told me that it'd be $44, but he told Mom it was free. So we'll see what happens there. I'd just like to know why they got rid of their service center at this particular store. Maybe people are realizing how bad their products are, and the whole place is going out of business. One can only hope, anyway!

I'm still ticked off about the fact that they screwed up my floppy disk drive the last time they "serviced" it. The A drive was the only thing that WAS working! Asses. This is seriously THE last time that I will be playing games. If it's still not fixed, they're getting reported to the Better Business Bureau. And then I'm sending Tim after their asses. He's very good at being aggressive, hehe...

Geoff was interrogating me about the status of my stereo equipment last night on the phone. :P I was saying that I'd almost brought my little boombox home with me so that I could listen to tapes, but in the end I didn't because I was already bringing home so much stuff. "Do you have anything in your room that you can listen to CDs on, other than your computer?" he asked me. I said no. He asked what I had in my room up at college, and I said I had that little boombox. Then he asked me if I had a portable CD player ("You mean a Discman?" I asked). He already offered to buy me a CD stereo thing for Christmas, because he's all about music being able to sound as good as it's supposed to (and how can music sound good when it's being pushed through tiny speakers?)...I'm wondering if he's planning on buying me something along those lines, even though I told him already that he didn't have to do that. If he does, though, it'll fit right in with that "men show affection by buying things for you" thing, hehe! ;)

Every so often, I like bringing my stereo into the bathroom with me while I'm showering. I'd found my really old one (that only plays tapes) last night, so today when I showered I decided to listen to music. So I brought in Led Zeppelin...but only got to listen to about three songs because "Stairway To Heaven" is so long. :P Not that I'm complaining, of course!

Recommended song of the day: "The Rain Song". Man, I'm in love with it. It's awesome.

If time machines are ever invented, I'm going back to have affairs with all of my loves. Actually, I suppose I'd have to send my younger self back. But then I'd have new memories of those experiences, and wouldn't that still be just as good? Hee hee...Okay, sorry. I wouldn't actually do that. I think. :P

Okay, I'm going to close up this entry. I would, however, just like to say that I can't wait for next week! I want to see Geoff! And give him his birthday present! And even if he won't come up to Maine with me, that's okay! :-P Hehehe...

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!