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Today's rambling: Miss Crankypants
Written on Thursday, Oct. 30, 2003 at 11:37 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

The Big/Little ceremony last night was pretty neat. Amanda C and I have the same big, so we're twins. ^_^ Our family is pretty big, too, since a few classes back a girl had two littles. So, another of the initiates (Ashley) is a "cousin", hehe...

By the way, Big and Little refer to Big Brother, Little Brother (or Big Sister, Little Sister if you're in a sorority). Just figured I'd share that, in case any of you were confused. ;)

Tonight, we took the National Membership Exam. We're allowed to take it as many times as we need to in order to pass it, so everyone decided to take it tonight in order to give us more time. I was really confident going into it, despite all the wacky stuff we had to know! As it turned out, all but two passed, hehe...But I think I got the least number wrong, hee hee... ;) Always have to beat out the competition! *giggles*

We also carved pumpkins, which I didn't really want to do. I just brought along the pumpkin that Kristen's family had bought me a couple weeks ago. It turned out really cute, though! I don't think my hands will ever stop smelling like pumpkin. It didn't bother me, reaching in to scoop all that stuff out...but smells really bother me. So the whole "can't reach anywhere toward face without smelling pumpkin" is kind of getting to me. I'll just take a shower, though, and it should be all gone.

My roommate, as you all probably know by now, has it in her head that you have to love God as much as she and her Bible-study friends do in order to get into Heaven. In her eyes, she's a perfect example of a good Christian. Yet she's very much into celebrating Halloween, which is a very Pagan holiday. Hee hee...Sorry, things like that just crack me up. There are times when I've wanted to look at her very innocently and say, "You DO know that true Christians don't celebrate Halloween, right? Because it's a Pagan holiday." But I need to keep the peace, so I keep quiet.

However, this being my diary, I'm entitled to say whatever I want. Bwe he he...

Jess and this guy Rick tried telling me today that you shouldn't feed betta fish every day. Umm...Riiiight. Would you like to be stuck in a cage and not get fed every day? It doesn't mean you have to go feeding to excess, but not feeding them for at least a day is just retarded. I was going to start lecturing, but I thought better of it and just stayed quiet. I've kept fish for over 10 years, and my bettas live upwards of 2-3 years. I don't really think feeding them every day has done any harm.

I don't know what's going on with the apartment thing. I think I'm going to end up in the dorms again next year, which is a little on the depressing side. I really want a place by myself, but in order to do that I'd have to pay the second person's half of the rent as well. I'm going to go check the Apartment Board tomorrow and see if there's anything for one person. I asked Cat the other day, out of desperation, but she's not contributing very much and she's getting on my nerves besides. I don't think she understands that I can't look into the apartments she suggested because that's way too far to walk. I need a place where I can walk to campus, which pretty much limits me to this one street. Urgh. Definitely don't want to room with her. Am not going to bring up the subject anymore unless I have to. I'd like to room with Tiff, since she might be coming up here next year, but all the apartments get their leases signed right around this time...and since she doesn't know for sure yet whether she'll be up here, I can't be like, "GET UP HERE AND SIGN A LEASE WITH ME!" Hehe :P

I've noticed lately that I've been a lot more snippy with people. Sometimes, it's just me getting short-tempered. I know this change is all brought about by stress, but the thing most cases, my short-temperedness is just giving me the courage to finally speak out. I've been feeling lately that people are REALLY starting to step on me and whatnot, and I'm tired of feeling like that. People have done that to me ALL MY LIFE. I'm not here to be used when it's convenient. Just because I'm quiet and haven't spoken out in the past doesn't mean I don't care when I'm ignored or whatever. I don't know, maybe stress is making me more sensitive than usual, too. I don't know, since I've never actually experienced this kind of stress before. I'd just like to know why nobody seems to want to respect me.

Anyway, this is something of a downer of an entry. Not that that's new, hehe...I can't wait until next weekend, when I can go home for a bit. And then a couple weeks after that, I'll be going home for Thanksgiving break! Je suis heureuse.

Ugh, and I just reminded myself about my hellish French class that I have to go to tomorrow! *weeps* Why me?? I wish that teacher would just spontaneously combust one day!

I'm going to go shower now and head off to bed.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!