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Today's rambling: I'm aliiieeeve!
Written on Tuesday, Sept. 02, 2003 at 7:50 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Just a quick little ditty to let everyone know that I am still alive, and that I'm getting my laptop back tomorrow! I thought that I was going to get it back today, and that I'd have to go down to Campbell Hall in order to pick it up. But noooo, because it's insured I have to walk all the way down to the fraggin' post office tomorrow to sign for my precious link to the outside world. I was so depressed that I wouldn't be connected to the Interet this evening, but I guess I can wait yet another day.

I just hope the bluidy thing works this time around.

Ummm...Oh, I finally got to see the second LOTR movie the other night! Kristen had bought it while she was out with her family, so when she came home that night we watched it. C'etait si bon, to modify the Yoplait slogan. I just need to watch the first one now, so that I can remember what happened! XD I might not have the fanatical passion for the movie that some of my friends do, but I definitely have an appreciation for them. The movie, that is. ;) Though of course I have an appreciation for all my friends!

This weekend was so WRETCHEDLY boring that I seriously almost cried on Sunday. Nobody was on campus, everything was closed, and the Internet was down all over campus. So I had literally like nothing to do. Sunday consisted of doing my laundry, vacuuming the carpet in our room, and then zonking out for two hours because the antihistamine tablet I'd taken had made all my limbs go weak (in a drowsy sort of way). Then I woke up, watched the news for an hour...and then sometime after that Kristen came home, so that's when we watched the movie.

Last night was my first night at the Rec Center. The first night of manymanymany. I know I said last year that I was going to the Rec Center every day, but this year I am doing it. I even put a note on my mirror reminding me to go. I will not back down. I even turned down an evening walk with Kevin and Amanda because I knew that if I end up skipping a night, I'll never get back into the routine. That's always my problem with everything.

I swear there was a girl a few desks down that's making these noises as though she's having sex. Just breathy sorts of noises, with only faint traces of her voice, but it's cracking me up over here.

My radio show is changing slightly. I was talking with Bill today after class, and I asked him if we still had all those vinyl records in the one room of the studio. He said yes, and we were talking about how it would be cool to do a show where all the DJ played were vinyl albums. I'd seen Yes albums down there, and I'm sure they've got lots of other classic rock, so I think one show per month I'm going to to "The 6-9 Request Hour In Vinyl". That would be so much fun! I love old stuff, and records have always been kinda fun for me (though CDs are much nicer, hehe). It'll be fun.

Kevin's bummed that I'm not letting him read what I write. I always get nervous when people read over my shoulder, though. Just deal with it, boy! Ha ha ;)

I can't wait until 11 o'clock tomorrow morning, when I hasten down to the post office and pick up my precious ickle baby. I'll cuddle it and make it promise never to misbehave again.

And then, apparently, I'll put it in swaddling clothes and push it around in a baby carriage. X_X

More tomorrow, dear diary! (oo, that makes me want to burst into song..."Dear Diary, what a day it's been/Dear Diary, it's been just like a dream...")

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!