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Today's rambling: Sweet lovin'
Written on Sunday, Jul. 06, 2003 at 2:15 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Can you believe Barry White died? The man who, for all intents and purposes, could be considered a godfather to all those children whose parents made sweet lovin' while listening to his music? I heard about it yesterday and was just sorta in shock. I know, I know, he wasn't really popular anymore...but I'll betcha there are a bunch of couples out there right now, getting frisky while his bass voice is crooning in the background.

Anyway, here at home I stitched my skirt together, made the casing for the waistband, inserted the elastic, sized it (once Mom got home), and now it's all done except for the hem. This pattern was so absurdly simple to make, I'd recommend it to anyone who doesn't know how to sew. 'Course, you'd still need to know basic stuff in order to understand it, but come on. The only sewing experience I had was around 8 years ago, making a locker caddy in Home Ec! Well, I made a gym bag too, which turned out pretty well...but yeah, that was 8 years ago and it certainly wasn't anything complicated like garment-making! So if I can do it, you can do it. ;)

It felt so great to have actually gotten this far...and surprisingly enough, all my seams are straight! I was so afraid I'd end up stitching in wavy lines because I couldn't keep the material straight, but everything looks really nice. I think I'd like to use different fabric next time, though...And I'll have to practice on the measuring bit, because I'm sure I messed that up.

The next video goes into darts and a few other things...but after talking with Mom tonight, I feel like I'm just wasting my money by buying them! I mean yeah, they ARE expensive videos--$36.95--but how else am I going to end up learning? Lessons can be pretty steep too, so I've heard. I really want to learn how to do this, though, so I guess it's not REALLY wasting my money. After all, if worse comes to worse I can just sell the old videos on eBay after I've learned everything I can from them! *grins*

Now that it's summer again, all the wildlife has been prowling around...including a pair of ducks who come by every day and beg for food. These two are different from last year's pair, however. I swear they're almost human. First, they waddle onto the porch. Then, they come up to the back door and actually peer in to see if anybody's there. I've sat on the couch and watched as the male puts his eye up to the door and looks in all directions to see if there's any movement! Today, they came by while I was putting my skirt together. It was the first time I'd seen them while I was alone, so I grabbed a piece of bread and went out to talk to them. Of course, I don't usually talk to them when Mom's around because I don't want her to think I'm weird or something. ;) At any rate, both of them started quacking softly as I opened the door, and they backed away but not as quickly as a wild animal usually would. I'm pretty sure they stop by every apartment along the way, hehe...After I'd given them the last little bit, I told them that was all and stood up--another action which would make any normal wild animal back up. However, the male stepped up to me and stretched his neck as far as possible, as though looking at my hands to make sure I wasn't lying! I love critters. They're so cute.

I went back inside and headed for the laundry room to throw my jeans in the dryer, and when I looked back the male was peering in through the doorway again. Mom thinks they'd walk right in if we left the door open for them. That mental picture just cracks me up. I can imagine sitting in front of the television and then looking over as Mr. and Mrs. Duck come waddling in the back door like good friends.

"Oh Mom! Mr. and Mrs. Duck have come to pay another visit!"

"And here I haven't made tea yet!"

Yeesh, it's 2 am already! Time flies...especially when you don't get up 'til late afternoon. X_X

Mom took my laptop in today to be fixed, and of course the silly thing wasn't acting up for the service guy! From what she said, they waited there for about 20 minutes to see if it started making that clicking/clanking noise, but nothing happened. He said he might have to format the hard drive, and that I was supposed to call him today in case there were files on there I needed (which, of course, there were). When I called him back, though, he said he didn't need to format it. However, he's sending it out on Monday because the monitor gets this blue line down one side every so often. I was thinking that the line was due to something I'd done, like maybe I opened the computer the wrong way, but he said it shouldn't do that anyway. Soooo, they're going to fix my monitor and run another check on the hard drive. My poor laptop...even though I've been using Demon for the past week or so, it's still lonely to look over and not see my laptop sitting there! Hehehe...

Anyway, I guess I oughtta go to bed.

Not like that's gonna happen, though...

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!