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Today's rambling: Roundabout
Written on Sunday, Mar. 02, 2003 at 5:11 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I'm on my old clunky desktop because my room has been rearranged and I can't really get at the phone cord now, so my laptop is going to have to go unused during this trip. How depressing. On the bright side, the playlist I have on this computer has almost completely different songs from my laptop, and while I was hopelessly tired of all these at one time, now I'm thoroughly enjoying listening to them!

But now onto the real reason why I'm tapping out this entry, which would be to record my day yesterday. Ah, times, fun times! ;) (By the by, that was a warning for anyone who doesn't want to go any further. Hee hee)

I called Geoff on Friday after I got home, and we talked for about 3 hours. At the end of the conversation, we agreed to go out yesterday. I thought he'd said that he'd call me at 10 am, but he didn't end up calling me 'til...nearly 12, I think. That was fine with me, though (even though I'd been up since 9 because I was excited, hehe), because I figured that this meant I'd just be hanging out with him late into the evening. ;)

As usual, we didn't do too much. I showed him a few things from and had him cracking up, and then we went driving. By that point it was almost two o'clock. I'd told him...Tuesday night, I think, that I'd wanted to go to Valley Forge, and somehow he remembered that so we drove down there a little bit. There was too much snow on the ground so we couldn't actually go walking, but it was fun. After taking this history class, I can't wait 'til spring comes so that I can actually walk around and see all that stuff! I went there when I was in elementary school, but it was so long ago (and I admittedly wasn't very interested) that I don't remember any of it. Except walking inside the little cabins, hehe...

At any rate, we got as far as Philadelphia (well technically we were in an area right outside of it) and then turned around and started heading back. Ate at this little diner/restaurant where Geoff forced me to taste snapper soup...heh, that was interesting. It's funny how there are stigmas attached to eating certain things. Like, in certain countries it wouldn't be considered disgusting to eat a dog or something (hehe), whereas here of course we cringe at the thought. Likewise, eating turtle just struck me as very...well, wrong! :P After whimpering, "Geoff, it's a turtle!" however, Geoff retorted, "So? You're eating a feathered bird...what's the difference?" :P Kinda puts things in perspective, hehe! But I still never want to eat that again. I only tasted the broth, but I don't even look fondly upon clam chowder...and I can't help imagining that turtle would have the same rubbery consistency as a clam. In general, though, I was NOT impressed with that restaurant. Especially its bathroom facilities. I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about that. I can tolerate some less-than-stellar restrooms, but that was just disgusting.

Blah blah, we headed away from that area and got on this road that would eventually lead to the PA Turnpike, which in turn would take me home. It wasn't even QUITE 7 o'clock by that point, so of course I inwardly panicked...but thankfully he turned right, onto the road that goes toward where he lives. ;) Got worried again, however, when he was in the wrong lane (because if he stayed in that lane and went left, we'd STILL be going toward my place). I was surprised, then, when he went straight and entered this little shopping center. He and I had talked on Friday about renting a few movies, but I'd completely forgotten about it!

We ended up getting one of the "Monty Python's Flying Circus" tapes, and "The Meaning Of Life" (also a Monty Python production). The only thing I've ever seen by them is "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", so I wasn't sure about these two tapes. Hehehe...I'm laughing just thinking about it, though. :-P They're definitely an amusing bunch! My eyes went wide with shock several times during that movie, hehe, but it still cracked me up. And Michael Palin was cute back then, too. Hee hee! Not in an "I'd like to shag him" way, but just in that boyish-faced sort of way. :P

By the time we finished watching both of those, it was pretty late. I can't remember if it was 11-ish or 12, but it was definitely around the hour where Geoff would usually take me home. However, on a whim he'd also rented this documentary about the original Woodstock (hee hee...we're such dorks), and so he popped the first tape into the VCR. Yes, this documentary thing was two tapes long. X_X As interesting as it was looking at all the people and how different they were from now (I was getting all jealous looking at the VW buses), I was also quite tired and my contacts were starting to dry out. I knew I should have just worn my glasses! I piled up a few of the pillows scattered on the couch and shut my eyes for a little while. I probably would have completely dozed off, but every now and then Geoff would laugh at something or point something out.

The second tape ended at around 3 am, and at that point I was sure he was going to take me home. But he has to work night shift all week, starting tonight, and so he was trying to stay up all last night so he could sleep today and kind of get in the pattern for it. Quite unhealthy, but what can you do? So we watched TV for a little while, when dear old Timmy came home from the bar. *giggles* Actually, this store on Main Street had caught on fire, so Tim and some other guy ran in and rescued a couple of people. Actually, I think Tim said he rescued some parrots, LOL...He was on the 6 o'clock news though! Wow, I know a celebrity! :P At any rate, we all sat around watching TV for maybe another half an hour or so, but then Geoff was like, "It's time for a ride" because Tim was getting a little tipsy. :P

Even though I ended up falling asleep during the car ride home, I felt really really bad about him driving. Thankfully Tim was there to keep him awake on the way back, but I should have insisted on sleeping on the couch or something. By the time I got home, it was a few minutes before 5 am! This marks the latest I've ever stayed out with Geoff, LOL...

Ooooo!!! I think we're going to a Moody Blues concert on the 8th! *bounces* Not for SURE yet, since we haven't actually said, "Okay, I'll buy tickets", but yesterday as we were driving Geoff said something about "when we go to the concert..." so I'm thinking that yes, we'll be going. Hee's being held in New Jersey, and he said that he wouldn't be able to make it all the way home afterward, so we'd have to stay there overnight.


*laughs* No, nothing would happen, but still. It'd be interesting. ;) But we'll just have to see. With my luck, we won't even get to go! No, I'm going to force him into it if I have to. Must see The Moody Blues!

Okay, I should definitely go do something now. It's after 5 o'clock--aiee! How did it get to be that late?--and there are things that I should be doing. Like reading or showering or something...or both. Except that would kind of ruin my book. Ha ha ha...

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!