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Today's rambling: Never tried to hide my weirdness
Written on Sunday, Jan. 12, 2003 at 3:04 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

They won. Do you know what this means, dear Diary of mine? It means that I am going to have to endure even MORE of this silly sports fanaticism!!! Maybe my jinxing only works if I tell Frank. Obviously, telling Leroy had no effect. Frank just sent off an email to all his friends entitled "My Perdictions" [sic]. I might have to tell him to leave me off his evi mailing list, because the LAST thing I want to do while online is read about how he just KNOWS the Eagles are going to win the SuperBowl! It's pure wretchedness, I tell you.

About an hour ago, Charlie spent over 5 minutes standing at our door and ringing the bell. I'd still been in my bedroom, not dressed or cleaned up or anything, so coupled with my dislike of him I wasn't about to open the door...especially when Mom wasn't home anyway. However, after 5 minutes of him ringing on the doorbell (sometimes pushing the button 3 or 4 times in a row) I was about to fling open the door and shout, "She's not home, you moron!!!" and then slam it in his face. Idiot. And his little baseball cap reminded me of this quote from A League Of Their Own: "Did anyone ever tell you you look like a penis with a little hat on?" Or something like that. :P

I had a dream last night that Legolas's horse was killed, and so in a fit of supreme rage he chased off after the Orcs. Met up with the first one, and he started throwing what looked like sharpened tusks or any rate, they didn't really hit. But every one of the tusk-like things that the Orc threw made contact with Elf Boy, so he wasn't exactly feeling all that great. Well, since I was seeing all of this through Legolas's eyes, suddenly it was ME there (though I remember that by outward appearances, it was still him, hehe), and there was no way I was about to stay there and get killed! So I started running off, hehe...Then one of those little throwy things got lodged in my foot, and I actually felt the pain of it. :P The part that amused me was that there was this huge hill, and so I decided that if I threw myself down it, I'd be able to get away faster than running. So I did. And eventually I did get away...AND I ended up killing two Orcs! WOO HA! Go me! XP

I also had one of my "completely failed as a DJ" dreams. This time, I'd thought that Pam had gotten out all my needed CDs, but she hadn't so I was floundering to find them all, and there was a lot of dead air and me apologizing for being so dumb...I hate that dream!

A piece of advice for those of you who wear nail polish: don't let the bottle freeze. The polish turns all watery and doesn't really work anymore. I wonder why that is. Would anyone who knows mind explaining this phenomenon to me? It must be something to do with the chemicals, because when water freezes it doesn't turn more watery when it unfreezes...I was all disappointed because I was going to put on this purple-tinted clear polish (that has all these long-ish pieces of glitter in it), but I'd forgotten that I had put it in my purse and then left my purse in the car the night I went to the bar! *sniffles*

But then I reminded myself that this was probably only the third time I'd worn the stuff since I bought it a few years ago anyway. :P I'm not a nail polish person, usually. But they've got these wee bottles of Hello Kitty polish at work, and I think I might buy some of it tomorrow! It's $3.99 for a box of 5 or 6 small bottles, though, and I'm not sure I want to waste the cash on something I might not wear all that often.

Gah...this is such superficial talk! Not that I really ever talk about anything deep and meaningful, but I think nail polish rambling has to top my list.

I've got a headache because, yet again, I slept too late. I really need to stop this! But I never used to get headaches from sleeping too much...Maybe I should start setting my alarm or just forcing myself out of bed the first time I wake up and glance at the clock. It's just so hard to do the latter because I'm still sleepy and I know I don't HAVE to be out of bed...

By the way, Emilily, it's June 30. *giggles*

They're selling Harry Potter toothbrushes at work. This amuses me, and I think I might buy one for Lauren and Amanda. Well, one each...I wouldn't just buy one for them to share, how unsanitary! *hees* They've also got band-aids, but I already knew that. Still, I'm finding all these "new" products by working in the HBC department! Hehe...The other day I was stocking aftershave, and on a whim I picked up the Gilette bottle and flipped open the lid. I love the smell of aftershave...preferably on a guy, of course, but smelling from the bottle is close enough. Anyway, so I squeezed the bottle lightly a couple of times, just to make the air rush out...and I got some of the stuff on my nose! ^^; So for the next hour or so, I kept getting whiffs of men's aftershave. Not very romantic, to say the least; wouldn't it have been nicer if I'd kept smelling it because I'd been hugging some guy? Ah well...

I think maybe I should go take a shower and eat something. Since it's 3 o'clock now, I would definitely think it's time to get out of my pajamas. :P If I stayed in them all day, I'd become depressed. I don't know why; it's just something that's stuck with me since I was little. I'd feel like I really HAD wasted an entire day. Even though that's exactly what I'm doing, staying in bed 'til 2, then going on the Internet for hours afterward, I wouldn't really FEEL like the day had been wasted unless I stayed in my pajamas! It's weird.

But then again, I never claimed NOT to be weird.

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!