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Today's rambling: Underneath lies a saucy wench!
Written on Thursday, Oct. 17, 2002 at 12:00 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Today was so absolutely FANTASTIC! In Writing, we were sitting there for about three minutes before the professor came in. I don't even really know how it happened anymore, but she basically told us that as a reward for our hard work, she'd let us hand in our essays and then leave. Just like that! It was great! Lauren, Kevin, and I just wandered back to Lauren and Amanda's room, and then around 5:30 we went to eat dinner. I went back to my room for a little while, then went down to DJ training.

We got our grades back on the promos we did, and guess what I got. A 40/40! I actually got a point taken off for diction and one taken off for enthusiasm/personality, but then he gave me 2 extra credit points (I'm hoping because of the creativity I put into the thing...though maybe it was because I called myself the Workday Wench, hehe). This one girl, Jessica, only got a 32, and I nearly laughed aloud. It's horribly mean, but I cannot stand her. She's all like gung-ho on this radio thing, but she acts like she knows more than the rest of us do. She insulted Kim on her first attempt at doing the promo (which brought Kim to work with Pam and I instead), and she was just generally acting like she was the greatest gift God could give to WCUC. But who got a low score? Ding ding ding! Anyway...

Mission Improvable was next. Here, my friends, is where things got funny. Well, literally, I guess, since it was an improv group. ;) Anyway, Lauren et al met me there, and we sat in the third row. I got really put out when I wasn't chosen to go on stage or anything--I NEVER get picked for that fun stuff, but the show was funny. The only crappy part was when these two girls were picked to go up on stage to do this thing where the guy would trail off on a sentence, then tap the girl and she had to finish for him. When the first girl was tapped, she just giggled like, "Oh my gosh, I'm just so embarrassed to be up here! Tee hee, what do I do?" The other girl did the EXACT SAME THING, and I was like, "Oh, come on, would you just GET OVER IT already??" I get so annoyed when girls act like that. How is it contributing to the show? Even on "Whose Line", it gets kind of stale (though those guys are really great at playing those things up). What makes it funny is if the people actually participate. And these girls were just retarded. I kept whispering things to Lauren that I would say in those situations, and she was laughing and going, "Yeah, same here! We would be SO GREAT up there!!"

ANYway, the show ended and they announced that "Agent Cobra" would be outside the doors selling merchandise. Agent Cobra was quite the attractive young man, so I leaned over to Lauren and murmured, "Is he for sale?" She wanted me to shout the question out, but I didn't understand at the time (nor do I think I'd have had the courage to do so). We walked outside and stood a little off to the side, waiting for all the people to disseminate. Lauren wanted to ask what part of Chicago they were all from, and she and Amanda had both dared me to go up to Agent Cobra and ask him if he was for sale. Neither of them believed I'd do it. I mean, picture me: this quiet, unobtrusive thing who rarely makes herself noticeable. Who would guess that underneath that wretched shyness lies a truly saucy wench?

I waited as long as possible, until he was about ready to leave, and then I finally sidled up to him and said, "So are you for sale?"

Perhaps understandably, I think I caught him by surprise. His blue eyes widened, and then he laughed. "Aw, that's nice," he said, then kind of threw his hands up. "I'm free."

My mind raced for something witty to say in return, and I remembered the line I loved saying to Mom whenever I found a cute guy. Well, part of it, anyway. "You can sleep with meee!" I said, in the manner of a kid talking to a stray dog she wants to take home. He laughed again, and Amanda and Lauren were behind me going "Oh my god! Amber!"

"What?" I defended, giggling. "I use that line all the time!" I don't remember exactly how he worded it, but he asked me about the line. So I recited the whole thing to him: "Mom, he just followed me home! I'll take care of him, I promise! He can sleep with me!"

Lauren and Amanda, by this point, were dying. "Agent Cobra" grinned at me, briefly laid a hand on my shoulder, and said "I'll see you later, then."

At that point, Amanda started pushing me away, saying "Don't mind my friend Amber, here." *giggles* Right before we walked away, he touched my arm briefly again and informed me that he was going to use that line in his next show.

When we met up with Kevin again, Lauren and Amanda were like, "I can't believe you!"

"You dared me to do it!" I defended, still laughing.

"I didn't know you were going to go on with that whole little improv bit!" Lauren exclaimed. Amanda added that to look at me, you wouldn't know that I was capable of saying such things.

I love surprising people.

So overall, today was great, and tonight was like the perfect ending. Well, until I got back to my room and found out that Pam had taken the angel bear I bought while in VA and had it in her room. That really annoyed me, because I don't like it when people take my stuff. I don't even let people borrow things anymore, because I never see it again (or if I do, it's always damaged). This bear is so pretty. He's white with sparkly threads interwoven with his fur, he's holding a golden violin, and he's got these gorgeous white wings that have real fluffy down at the base, and then fiberoptic wings (that look like real feathers). When you push his bottom right paw, he starts playing "Silent Night", his wings slowly move, and the paw holding the golden violin bow moves back and forth. It sounds sort of tacky, but he's so gorgeous. Pam, unfortunately, saw him last night and was trying to take him out of my room. I was so afraid she'd break his wings with the way she was acting, and I knew I'd have to keep her out of my room. But tonight, while I was away, she took it. I actually did show my anger this time, telling her that what she did was ignorant. But I left it at that. Later on, I asked if she'd seen the little Halloween costumes I made for the PowerPuff girls taped to my door, so she wandered over. I know it's a dumb idea, but I wanted my door Halloweenish and I didn't want to have to take down my usual stuff, so I just decided to dress it up. Bubbles has a witch hat, Buttercup has black kitty ears and a tail, and Blossom has a pumpkin head. ^_^ Anyway, Pam was like, "You've got problems!" My smile immediately faded, and she was like, "Aww, Ambra!"

"You're always insulting me," I told her, and she knew this time that I was actually serious. So I hope she doesn't pull this crap again because I've been getting along really well with her lately. I just don't like it when people don't respect me and my belongings.

But anyway, that's enough of that. I'm going to post this and get to bed. By the way, if you'd like to check out Mission Improvable, go to! :)

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!