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Today's rambling: All was not lost
Written on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2002 at 1:34 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

The one nasty part about reading the news is that I can't pronounce half of the names in the stories. If I'd lived in this area all my life, I probably wouldn't have much of a problem because I'd be hearing the names all the time and would know how they're pronounced. But the AP Newswire only gives pronunciations for certain names. I guess they don't realize that some of those other ones are difficult, too. Before I started reading the sports today I had to apologize profusely for the butchering I was about to do to some of these guys' names. I think they were all Russian or any rate, I did a terrible job at that today.

The weather forecast is predicting a mix of rain and flurries one of these days! I'm ecstatic! Maybe the rain part will just fade out completely, and we'll have some gorgeous flurries! I won't be able to concentrate in class if it DOES snow. It's not that I've never seen it before, it's just that whenever snow falls, I love to just sit by a window and gaze out at it. It's better if the snow is falling somewhat heavily and actually laying on the ground, but if the snow flurries are noticeable, I'm sure I'll want to sit around and watch.

Remember when I was all upset because I'd taped over part of my promo for DJ training? Well, thank the powers that be, Brian did not erase the file off the computer! I was so happy about that. I taped it onto another cassette, but I think that cassette player is broken or something. When I brought it home to listen to today, it was even higher pitched than my FIRST copy had been! No one would be able to tell me I don't sound like a Munchkin now. I'll have to tell Brian the next time I see him, and see if someone can't fix it. I'd really like to have a copy of my promo, not just to show the folks back home, but to keep as a memento sort of thing! And besides, what if I ever decided to make radio my career? I could use this as a portfolio of sorts, hehe...

Today is National Depression Screening day. I'm planning on going after Message Design. In a way, I feel silly for going because I'm feeling fine, but this thing I read said that it's a good idea to go, even if it turns out you've only got mild depression. I know I don't have anything terribly severe, but I do think there's something wrong with me, so it'll be good for me to go. I wonder how they do these screening things...With MY luck, I'll end up having to talk to someone about various things, and I'll just spontaneously burst into tears. That's how it is with me: I'll be totally fine and feeling rather cheerful, but as soon as someone brings up a topic like home or their fathers or something, all that stuff I try to tamp down just bubbles up and I start to feel crappy. See, this whole screening thing IS a good idea! :P

Oh, shoot! For whatever reason, I just remembered that I STILL haven't paid my tuition for the month yet! I need to go do that right now.

Okay, I did that, and I got some stuff written down for Message Design today. We had to find info on stuff, but all our group decided was that we'd "find it on the Internet". As all the info would be located on CU's website, it was kind of pointless for me to go printing out stuff when everyone else will have the same exact stuff. I should've gone down to the UAB office and asked them stuff, since their website is pathetic and out of date.

It's very chilly out. I love it.

Lauren called while I was at the station and invited me to lunch with her and Amanda at 2. They eat lunch every day at 2, but I can't make it on Tuesdays and Thursdays because that's when I have class. So I had to call them back and leave a message. Kinda sucks, because my tummeh's rumblin' and I would have liked to have eaten something. Oh well, I'll just have to wait until dinner time, I guess.

I guess I should start going now. I need to make a few stops on my way, so I might as well leave. Thankfully, I remembered to send my Alltel bill out yesterday! It's not due 'til the 21st, but who knows when I'd remember to stick it in the mailbox if I hadn't done it yesterday! :P I'm so forgetful.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!