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Today's rambling: You over-achiever!
Written on Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 1:42 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I rolled wearily out of bed a few minutes before 10 this morning. After washing my hair and getting dressed, I went down to the radio station to start collecting news for my noon reading. My name-twin was DJing, so I stopped to say hello to her before continuing to the news room. I'd forgotten one little thing, which was that I'd never actually gotten a news schedule for this week and therefore didn't know if I was actually scheduled! But for the past few weeks, I've been scheduled for every Tuesday and Thursday, so I guess I took things for granted.

As it turned out, no schedule had been made, because the News Director decided to give everyone off for ALF (Autumn Leaf Festival) week! :P When Bill came by a few minutes later, Amber asked him if it was alright that I read the news, and he said it was fine (and that he didn't understand why all the news readers had been given the week off anyway). I laughed and said, "When I was first put on the schedule, I kept forgetting to show up; and now that I'm NOT on the schedule, I've shown up anyway!"

Tuesdays are the worst days for news. There's never anything worth telling, so I'm always stuck reading about Bush's new steps against Iraq, and other various boring things. The news sounder wasn't working today, so I started off my little segment by saying, "Aw, I'm so disappointed that there's no sounder!" Hehe...I stumbled a lot (especially at the end, when I was trying to sign off), but I think I did alright. I'm definitely needing this practice speaking on the air, and I'm trying to do more not-reading-off-a-sheet talking so I can get used to it.

Anyway, I don't know whether I'll go down on Thursday, since I don't have to. Maybe I should, just to make myself look good, LoL! But more than likely, I'll just use that time for some extra sleep. Professor Freeman told us he doesn't want to see us on Thursday, so I could sleep right past two o'clock if I wanted to, hee hee! ;) But I won't. I think I might use that day to run out to the mall and buy some clothes...which means that I SHOULD force myself out of bed around 10 so that I can get out early and get back relatively early.

My little weather thinger says it's 51 degrees, but it feels more like the Weather Pixie's 43 degrees. My fingers are almost numb, they're so chilly. Then again, I always have a problem with cold fingers and toes.

Last night, while I was over at Lauren's room, Geoff ended up calling. X_X Trust him to call on the ONE night I'm actually out doing something! Actually, I have no way of knowing if that message on my answering machine IS from him, because there was no name left...but it's so completely WACKY that it couldn't be anyone but him. I tried calling this afternoon to leave a weird message of my own on his machine, but I don't think their answering machine is working. Either that, or someone is online and not disconnecting. I'll try again tonight.

I've got homework due for Writing tomorrow, which I need to at least start on tonight. I've also got Earth Science, which I must go to tonight since Thursday is our exam. I don't know if it's an actual midterm or not; I think it's just a regular old exam. At any rate, since I skipped last class, and this class will probably end up being a review, I guess it'd be a good idea to show up, eh? I hope we don't have a map quiz or anything tonight, lol! Wouldn't that just figure? Oh well.

I wish we weren't forced to take these general education classes. I understand completely why they feel the need to give us a general education as well as our specialized-for-our-major education, but I hate that they force us to take a certain number of classes from each subject. I have to take three sciences, from two different categories. I was thinking about taking Astronomy I and II (assuming I like the first Astronomy class), but they're both in the Earth Science category so I'll have to pick something else. The only other option open to me is something biological, because I will NOT take something like Physics or Chemistry. Math is not my bag, baby. At the same time, though, I need to find a biological science that requires no dissecting or close proximity to formaldehyde (both of which literally make me sick to my stomach...the smell is horrible).

Oy! It's time for me to leave for class! I hope I'm not late!

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!