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Today's rambling: Oh joy, a GOOD DAY!!!
Written on Friday, Sept. 13, 2002 at 10:14 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Today rocked! I ate breakfast at a table beside the one that Kevin, Lauren, and Amanda were sitting at because these other two girls had taken the remaining spots at that table. When Kevin saw me, he was like, "Hey sis!" I got him to mail the little note I wrote to Tim (Geoff's roommate), hehe...Well, he was the one going in the direction of the mailbox, and I was running late! :P

There were only two semi 'bad' parts to the day. The first came in CIS, where I discovered that my lab hadn't been sent somehow. Now, the site TOLD me it had sent the assignment successfully, and I'd completed it on the DAY it was assigned! But today, the day after it was due, the professor said she hadn't received anything from me! : I sent it again when I got back to my room, then called and left a message on her voicemail saying that I'd sent it again. Took a nap, and about half an hour later she called and said that it hadn't gone through. So we agreed to meet at her office around 3 to try sending it from there. When we tried sending from her office, the website said it was temporarily down for updates! X_X She's got my disk, and she's going to try this weekend to send the darned thing.

Bad point #2 isn't really BAD...Miranda and I are both getting a little bored in French. I told her today that I'd like to be able to speak more in French, instead of just going over vocabulary and speaking in English the rest of the time. I think everyone in the class has taken French before, so it's not as if this is really beginner's level or anything. In Level III French at my high school, Miss Columbus made us talk ALL THE TIME in French, and if we didn't know how to say something, we had to say "Comment dit-on..." before the word/phrase we were unsure of. I wish we could do more of that stuff now. How are we expected to become fluent if we don't talk in French for at least a major portion of class? I'm not saying I'd get everything right--there's a lot I don't know or remember--but it would be good practice! Anyway...

On the way back from French, I saw Kevin and Lauren standing at the end of the sidewalk that leads to Ralston. They were talking to Niki, who lives in my dorm, so I ran up and said hello. I was standing between Lauren and Kevin, facing Niki, and Kevin kept slapping me with a rolled up newspaper. Eventually, I started hitting him back, and then Kristen walked by. "Kristen!" I cried. "My brother's hitting me!!"

"Ohhh, you two are brother and sister?" Niki exclaimed. Right away, Kevin said we were. "That's so cute!"

She really thought we were related! And since I can't lie to save my behind, I made Kevin do all the talking. After awhile, he sidled up next to me and said, "Can't you see the resemblance?" When Niki said that we really DID look alike, Kevin grinned and said, "Because you know what? We're not related."

Niki said we could have had her fooled for the entire year, because we look so much alike. Even Lauren agreed that we do, and I have to say that I understand where they're coming from. As I've mentioned before, Kevin and I both have the same really dark eyes, and my hair sometimes looks black (though not in bright sunlight, because it glows almost auburn). So Kevin decided that we're going to have to start telling everyone that we're actually related. Of course, I have to live where HE lives... :P Why couldn't he live in MY hometown? *giggles*

I was sitting with Pam in her room for a little while, and I found the DJ Sit-In paper she had with all the DJs names that we're allowed to sit in with. After awhile, I went back to my room and got my own paper, and as I sat there studying it, I thought about going down at 6 because someone was having a show. My only reservation was that it was a guy, and I was nervous about being around a guy for my first time at the station. So for awhile, I just debated on whether or not I wanted to walk down to Becker. It IS a somewhat long haul to just walk there and back, and I wasn't sure that he wouldn't already have someone there.

In the end, though, my common sense ruled out. I knew that if I DIDN'T go down there, I'd be kicking myself for the rest of the night and I'd probably be in a bad mood. So with only 10 minutes to get there, I threw on my hoodie, grabbed my keys and purse, and headed off. Now keep in mind that it usually takes me exactly 10 minutes to get to this building. I rushed the whole way there, my legs burning from the strain and my stomach flopping from nervousness. :P

The DJ, Ryan, had just gotten there himself, and you're actually supposed to get there at LEAST 15 minutes ahead of time to prepare for your show. He was all flustered and whatnot, but he let me sit in with him...He even let me read the weather on the air! It sounds so simple and retarded, but it was still really fun. Even with the headphones on, I couldn't really hear myself, so I don't know how good I sounded. Ryan said I did well, because I didn't mess up, hehe...

He was really nice. Not to mention unbelievably good-looking...*giggles* That's just a minor detail, though. I enjoyed talking to him, because he was friendly and everything. His show plays alternative and hard rock which, if you know me, isn't my kind of music, but I could deal with that. :P I was there to learn the running of the station anyway, not to listen to the music! I only stayed for about an hour and a half (we're only required to stay an hour or less, apparently), then Ryan signed the sheet we have to carry around to prove we did the sit-ins. He told me I was welcome to stay for the whole thing if I wanted, but I figured an hour and a half was good enough for now. ^_^ As I was leaving, he said he'd see me at the next DJ training...turns out, he's Larry's assistant! Hehe...I won't complain about seeing him again... ;)

I got to talk to Tim a bit online tonight, and he started talking about how busy Santa was with filling out lists and such (this is something of a 'joke', hehe). I told him my list was already in the mail (as close as I'm getting to telling him I sent him a note), and he said something along the lines of, "I heard you already got a head start with Santa."

"What, the phone call?" I replied, referring to the other night when Geoff called.

"That's only part of it," was Tim's response. He asked for my address after that...I'll be watching the mailbox for the next week or so, hehehe...

Of course, it'd be even BETTER if the rest of my 'present' could be an actual visit from Geoff, but I'll take what I can get!

I think that's about it. I'm going to WalMart with Miranda tomorrow at 2...And on Sunday, we're both going to church. Found out that she's Methodist, too...well, generally speaking I don't consider myself a particular denomination, but my mom's Methodist and so if push comes to shove and I really feel like going to church, I go to a Methodist church. I haven't been to ANY type of church in years, though, so this'll be an experience! :P

Okay, NOW I'm going.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!