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Today's rambling: Telemarketers suck.
Written on Friday, Sept. 06, 2002 at 10:22 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I was just badgered by a telemarketer. On my college phone line. Oh, the annoyance. The worst of it is, I'm so meek that I can't be rude and just hang up on them (even though they deserve more than just a hangup). So I sat there and gave him all my information, figuring that I could just cancel the stupid credit card once I got it. As he continued asking things, I grinned to myself, thinking that I wouldn't even get approved anyway since I wasn't giving certain information (such as saying that I had no checking or savings accounts). But the guy told me that I'd been instantly approved! How could that be? I told him that I only made between 1500 and 3000 a year, and I had no checking or savings accounts! :P Bleh. Oh well, he said the card would get here in 10-14 days, and that I had to do some kind of activation thingy before it would work.

Thus, I'm either not going to do the activation code, or I'm just going to call and cancel the darned thing. Either way, I'm not using it. I hope there's no annual fee...Well wait, would I really have to pay it if I didn't activate the card? I have no experience with these things. The credit card I've been using is perfect, and I have yet to find another credit card that's as nice. I don't have to pay annual fees, I don't...

SHUT UP, FRANK!!!!!!!!!!!

For flip's sake! He's IMing me, and you know how sometimes a person will say something that just doesn't inspire you to make a response? Most people understand that. Frank, however, keeps saying stuff like, "You ignoring me now?" or "You tired?" (when he asked me that and I asked why, he replied with "your quite"..which means, "you're quiet".) This past time when he asked if I was ignoring him, I said, "I told ya, I'm busy!" Because I am. Well, I will be, anyway. I have to do the second lab for CIS, which is "Using E-mail". I don't know, I've never used email before, I'm afraid I might flunk this... :P

PMS combined with homesickness is not a good combination. Everything is irritating me, and I find I don't even feel like talking to people online right now. Hell, if I had my way about it, I'd probably just hole myself up in my room for the next few days! Kevin, Lauren, and...Amanda (?) invited me over tonight to watch Kevin's high school production of "The Secret Garden". I'm all for seeing it, but I can't help but chuckle to myself. I think these guys have watched that video numerous times, which just strikes me as funny for some reason. It's not like they're watching an actual movie...Anyway, I can't explain it and I'm not going to go any further on it.

I shouldn't be so snarky, I know. And I might end up feeling bad about it later. But I'm tired of being treated like my opinions and beliefs are less valuable than anyone else's! And I've been in a bad mood all week, which doesn't help matters very much. I'll get over it eventually. And if I don't, then I'll just get rid of this diary and start up a different one, so most of the people who read this won't know where the other one is and I can go back to feeling free about what I write!

Anyway, I've got to get started on that lab now. Even though it's not due 'til next Wednesday, it'll look better if I get it done right away. :P

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!