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Today's rambling: I love ya, Tomorrow!
Written on Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2002 at 7:18 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

The doorbell rang around 11:30 this morning. I was sleeping, but I must've been subconsciously listening for it, because as soon as it rang, I shot out of bed and ran over to the door. Waited 'til the delivery guy left (they just drop the stuff at the door and leave), and then I opened the door and grabbed up the small box. So now I have Geoff's present, yay! Hehe...I was hoping to be able to buy some really pink, girly wrapping paper, but I'll have to settle for the light purple stuff with white stars on it (that Mom used to wrap my birthday presents). *giggles*

As we were eating dinner tonight, Mom remarked, "You're definitely going to get kissed for this!" I laughed and said I'd be happy enough just to get a hug from it, to which she gave an enigmatic, "I don't know..."

I ended up sleeping 'til almost 4 o'clock this afternoon, which sucks. Now I'm not going to be able to get to bed until really late tonight, so I'll be dragging tomorrow! *sighs* I should've just stayed awake after I got that CD, but I figured I'd only be in bed for like two more hours at most. Obviously, it didn't happen that way!

Nothing else has happened today. As usual, I'm sitting here on my bed, wishing there was more stuff to do on the Internet! Hehe...I do my usual rounds--checking diaries, reading the new posts at Hogwarts, checking various message boards--and then I'm bored! But I can't leave, because my friends are here, and I like talking to them...I just wish I had something to do in those lulls in conversation!

Last night, someone IMed me out of the blue and said something like, "so your going to Clarion"...I'd just put "Freshman at Clarion University" in my member profile a little while ago, and I guess this girl had done a search for Clarion. Anyway, we talked for awhile, and she invited me to hang out with her and her friends this year. I was pleased at the offer, but she doesn't really sound like the sort I typically like to hang out with. She's apparently a party-girl type, and I'm the very antithesis of a partier. I have more fun just sitting around talking with a group of friends; being around a crowd of strangers makes me SO uncomfortable. She gave me her phone number, though (she's going to be a junior at Clarion this year), so I guess I'll have to call her! :P I think she wants me to call her the night I get up there and move in, though, which definitely won't be happening. I'll need at least a week or so to just get settled in and get comfortable with the new routine!

I told Chelsea about it, so maybe I'll be able to drag her along if I end up having to go to one of these parties. She said she wanted to party, hehe, so I can't imagine it'll be too hard to convince her to go! ;)

Mom's getting frustrated because she can't find the nozzle to the waterbed...I'm not quite sure why she needs it, but I guess I should go try and help her before she starts overreacting. I haven't offered up 'til now because I don't even know what the thing looks like, much less have an idea of where it could be! If it's in that walk-in closet (which I think it is), I won't go near it. Too many creepy-crawlies have come out of there, and I'm paranoid to even look in there anymore!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!