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Today's rambling: Breaking into song
Written on Tuesday, Jun. 18, 2002 at 7:07 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

When I think about you
I think about looooooooove...

Sorry, that just happens to be the song I'm listening to right now. :oP

So lessee, what happened in Berry's world today? Not much, really. "Lester the Molester", as Zenon calls him, was still in the store I found out, he'll be there the entire week. Rapture. *rolls eyes* By the by, Lester is a Safeway store manager from down in Virginia. Now don't get me wrong, because I adore Virginia, but I don't adore him. All he's done today is point out to all the managers what's wrong with our store. *flips good ol' Lester the birdy* Yeah, that's right, pal. That's what I think of your conglomerate opinions.

I feel like taking down my guitar and composing some protest songs. But I don't own a guitar, nor would I even know how to play one. So there goes that idea.

John handed Frank a large envelope which contained two stapled pages. Ever curious, I asked him what the papers were.

"I'm being transferred," he told me, his face casually serious, as if this was no big thing. My jaw dropped in shock. Frank grinned impudently at me, and it was then that I realized I'd been duped. Cheeky prat.

My genuine shock apparently did wonders for his ego, however, because this afternoon Mom told me that he'd been quite happy over my reaction. If it makes him feel loved, I guess it's alright. I just wish it hadn't been at my expense, hehe...

An 8 1/2 hour shift means that you get two 10-minute breaks and a half-hour lunch, all of which I usually take full advantage. Today, however, I only had a lunch break. Not because I didn't have time, because there was plenty of opportunity to have taken both. But I was so desperate to go with Geoff... :oP

I called to see if he was ready, but he wasn't. So awhile later he came over to see if I was ready, but I happened to be in the middle of hastily decorating some 1/4-sheet cakes for the shelf, before my pal Lester came over with his "24-7 report", or whatever the heck it's called. So Geoff told me he could wait, because he had like 900 things to do. By the time I finished and called him again, he was busy, so I just went ahead and kept working on stuff. A little after 2:30, I was standing in the decorator's section telling Mom that I was going to go on break now whether or not Geoff was ready...and then I saw him sauntering over.

Later, Mom told me that there was this look of adoration in his eyes, "like an excited little kid who's spotted a puppy", but I didn't see any of that. *chuckles*

While we were sitting in the break room, Zenon came in. "Oo, Zenon!" I cooed. "Wanna sit on my lap?"

"No," he replied cruelly. I huffed indignantly and ignored him as he retreated into the smoke room. When he came back out, he sidled up to Geoff and said, "I'm going to sit on his lap."

Geoff said something, grinned smugly at me, and then shifted slightly so Zenon could sit down. He didn't figure Zenon would actually sit there, though, and after a minute he muttered, "I'm embarrassed, now..." Hehehe...Serves you right! Next time, maybe I'll sit on your lap. Ha ha ha... :oP

American woman
Gonna mess your mind...

We rushed to the bank to see if they could help us fill out these loan forms, but it turns out that because the loan's through PHEAA, the bank has nothing to do with it (other than to give PHEAA the money). So the banker lady's advice was to take all the forms over to my high school guidance counselor. I'm going to just try and take a look at them one more time. Maybe I'll understand them better if I'm in a quiet room, away from distractions such as the television and Mom's talking.

The entire visit wasn't in vain, however, because I remembered to ask if I could unsecure my credit card. I figure, the $500 they were withholding would be a nice sum to have if I actually get as far as college (but we'll get to THAT rant in a moment). Mom and I were both under the impression that you have to request to be unsecured, but apparently it's supposed to happen automatically after a year is over. It's been over a year, and the lady said that my card was unsecured, more or less. They just had to release the money or something weird like that.

My new credit limit? $7500. I couldn't spend that much money if I wanted to. Well sure, there's enough stuff out there that I'd want to buy (that would add up to that amount), but the thought of trying to pay it all off? It's more than enough to deter me from ever spending so much. I get anxious if I go over $200. I wish I could convince them to put me back down to $500, LOL! But maybe it'll be good to have something higher...not THAT much higher, though...

Anyway, I still haven't gotten anything about orientation. They said they wouldn't send anything 'til after my credit card payment of $50 had cleared, and then it takes like 3 days to send stuff here by mail. But by the time it DOES get here, I won't be able to have it back to them before the 27-28 orientation thingy! Maybe I'll have it express mailed...By Fed-Ex. Because unlike the US Postal Service, Fed-Ex is actually reliable. Most of the time, anyway.

I had leftover spaghetti for dinner, which was yummy, and now I'm feeling sleepy again...despite having gone to bed at 9 last night. I just can't win, no matter when I go to sleep.

Mary Green
Today's a queen
One thousand dollies are her dream
In cotton frocks
And golden locks
Her palace is an orange box

In the song, it sounds like they say "Berry Green", which I thought was sort of spifty. But alas, it's not. Oh well, I still like that song. And with those parting words, I'm leaving. Even though I feel like there was more to say. Isn't that always how it goes?

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!