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Today's rambling: Blocked 'em all
Written on Saturday, Jun. 08, 2002 at 5:42 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Someone was about to start whining to me on IM...and so I blocked my entire buddy list (Not that that matters, as there were only a few people on). I wasn't particularly in the mood to talk to anybody anyway (a clue into my moods is that if I don't put the effort into punctuating or capitalizing, it means I don't want to talk), and so hearing someone's tales of woe certainly wasn't on my list of priorities.

It's selfish, I know. I'm usually always there to listen if someone has a problem (if Jam or Lola, for instance, had to talk, I'd be right there for them)...but this person is usually always moaning and complaining about how life is so unfair. And the melodramatics are hardly what I feel like listening to right now. Most likely, it wasn't even that big a problem. I'm too nice to give the biting, "Gee, what's new?" that I so wanted to snap out, so instead I just blocked everyone. Now I can look at websites in peace.

Today, I made my yummy 'refrigerated strawberry cake'. Well, it's not technically mine, as the recipe came from the side of the cake mix box. But nonetheless, I made it, and so I consider it mine. ;) It's very, very good! A lot lighter than typical cakes, because instead of icing it with regular frosting, you use a mix of vanilla pudding and whipped topping (aka Cool Whip, hehe), so it's very light and airy.

I told Frank, via a cell phone text message, that as of yesterday I'd sworn off guys, because they're too much trouble. He wrote back with "Thanx", so I glibly replied, "No problem!" His next message was simply, :( , which made me feel bad, hehe...But it's true! Guys are just nothing but trouble. He asked me to make an exception for him, hehe, but I think I said no. I can't even remember anymore.

I'd like to go out to Radio Shack and buy a keyboard. They had one advertised for $199, as part of their Father's Day Sale. As I no longer communicate with my father, and have no interest in buying him anything, I thought, "Why don't I take advantage of this sale and buy the keyboard for myself?" I've wanted a good keyboard for ages, and this one at least appears to be good. Mom really wants to have a keyboard too, for some reason, so I figure we could both chip in. Though most likely, I'd end up paying for the whole thing because I hate asking other people for money, especially if I technically have enough.

Does anyone know if the guy who sings "Go Now" (it's a Moody Blues song) is the same guy who sings "2525"? Their voices sound kind of similar, but now that I'm actually listening to the latter song, I don't think they're the same. This guy forms his words strangely, whereas the guy who sang for The Moody Blues doesn't. Geoff knows more about The Moody Blues than I do, but who knows WHEN I'll talk to him again. :oP

The song "2525" used to terrify me when I was younger. If you've never heard it, then you have no idea what I'm talking about. As it is, I still don't like it very much, but at least I don't hear the knell of doom every time I hear it, hehe...Still, it almost does seem to hold a ring of truth to it...

I wonder how much longer it'll take for me to get a response from Clarion. I realize they can't respond all that quickly, because they get so many applications, but I'm hoping I'll get it soon! The suspense is killing me!

Now that Jam's working on Hogwarts again, I should probably get myself in gear and start working on my bios again. Not to mention that class I'm supposed to do...I've done nothing on that. *hangs head in shame* Funny how, being a 'Muggle', I can't seem to write lessons about it! :oP

Anyway, I'm going to go. I'm glad to know that Lola's still alive, hehe! I miss talking to her all the time on MSN, though! If only I could manage to stay up later!! *cries*

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!