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Today's rambling: Yes, I'm a geek.
Written on Sunday, Jun. 02, 2002 at 8:41 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Early this morning, a man walked up to the counter.

"Do you have any bread?" he inquired. Thankfully, Mare fielded this intellectual question.

"What kind of bread did you want, sir?"

"I don't know."


So you just decided to come up to the counter and waste valuable minutes asking if we had bread? Thanks, pal. I'll remember you when Christmas comes around again.

I had to help Karen all day, which sucked at first, but was probably for the best anyway. I'm getting sick of packaging rolls all day, so I didn't mind working with her...especially as she's more easygoing than Joanne is. I have to work with Joanne tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it. Any mistake I make, she'll be right there, in her harsh and berating manner. Karen and I agreed today that we wish she'd just get transferred. Not that I'm totally in love with Karen or anything--though I think I'd like her better if I didn't have to work with her--but she's so much better than Joanne!

At the end of the day, I was throwing out trash. Ernie and Don were there as well, and of course Ernie looked at me and exclaimed, "Evil!" He always does this when he sees me. Thus, I pretend to be an Evil Apprentice, and my powers increase each time I see him. :oP Hey, it passes time. So at any rate, after that exclamation, he said something about me being silently evil, then made a remark about taking over for the other evil that had been absent for 4 days (he was referring to Geoff).

It surprised me that even Ernie would know about my crush on Geoff, because Ernie seems to be one of those aloof, uninterested-in-any-business-but-his-own sorts of guys. Yet even HE has taken notice! I'm so transparent. >_<

Right now, I feel like laying my head down on the desk and falling into a blissful state of sleep. I blame it on the reading. I'm just a FEW pages away (less than 5, I think) from finishing Harp of Winds, but I knew if I laid there on my bed any longer to read it, I'd just fall asleep. So now I'm trying to wake myself up a bit, at least until my dinner has finished cooking. I shouldn't eat and then go to sleep straight away. Oh well. I'm fat enough already; these extra calories aren't going to do much more damage.

Last night, I was so bored that I decided to try my hand at redesigning Clarion's radio station site. If you've been reading my diary for awhile (and let's face it, who could pry their eyes away from THIS riveting stuff), you'll know that my first college pet project is going to be redesigning that entire thing. Because it's an atrocity. And it's so out-of-date that I don't think any of the people mentioned within its pages are still attending college! The writing is the worst of it, though. I always thought that, once you were in college, you learned how to write well. But the guy who wrote all the stuff on that site was just...ugh! I know I'm not the best writer in the world, but hey--this is my diary, I don't have to be perfect! I am a slave to the written word, and nothing irks me more than to see mangled grammar, such as what I've seen there! Besides that, he was lacking in creativity. Everything is written as if he just copied down notes...for example, instead of varying the way he began his sentences, he just keeps writing, "Steve is from here. Steve has been at this college since this time. Steve is a senior. Steve is active in lots of stuff. Steve holds this position at the radio station." Maybe he should've abridged it like that, just to make it more interesting.

So you see, I am a Class A Geek.

But I'm mighty proud of it.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!