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Today's rambling: Day Tripper
Written on Monday, May. 13, 2002 at 10:16 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

When I read my schedule, it said that I was working 10-2 today. Mom was working 10-6:30, so I figured that Jason (who was scheduling during John's vacation) only wanted me for four hours. Fine with me; I'd be able to sit in the break room and socialize with anyone coming back.

Well, I found out today (when John discovered) that I was working 10-2 in the bakery section, and then 2-6:30 up in the decorator's section. Sort of bummed me out just because I was SOO tired, I wanted to go back and take a nap. But I survived. Actually, the day was surprisingly fun! Frank was there from 8-4:30, and he was actually talkative toward me again, which sort of shocked me. He'd been so aloof for the past couple of days that I wondered if I'd done something wrong. When I told him that I was done at 2 (this was before I knew better), he said he'd take his lunch at that time.

We didn't end up going (I went on lunch with him, since we'd had it planned and all) until around 2:30. Walked up front together to punch back in, and we happened to pass by Leroy. Heh. I can only wonder what he was thinking, as the only other guy he's seen me walking around with is Geoff. I'm such a tramp! ;)

I just don't know about Frank. And I hate being confused about it, because then everyone's like, "Ooo, you like him!" But I'm positive it's only for superficial reasons (y'know, he's cute and whatnot). Or maybe I'm just making excuses? Noo, because I imagine myself hanging out with HIS friends, who definitely don't sound like my type, and I don't imagine myself having fun! All I can imagine is he and I by ourselves...and get your minds out of the gutter, folks, I don't mean 'by ourselves' like THAT!

Maybe it's also because I'm getting fed up with Geoff. I still like him and all, I'm just getting REALLY tired of all this waiting! Especially since I don't even know if the waiting will amount to anything! For all I know, he could be gay and just afraid to tell me so. Ha ha ha...well, you KNOW it could be true. It sounds conceited of me to say so ("Ohh, he doesn't like me, that HAS to mean he's gay!"), but it's always a possibility! You'd think he would at LEAST say "Hey, you're really nice and all, but I'm not interested in you as anything more than a friend" or something! Bah.

As I was talking to Geoff in the Frozen Foods section, Zenon walked by and saw me untying my apron. He walked up to me and opened his arms for a hug, then squeezed me tightly to him and proceeded to fake-cry. Loudly. There were two customers not even a foot away from me on my left side, and when Zenon snorted (well, sort of 'sniffling' really loudly), they both looked over. I just lost it and began giggling hysterically, but Zenon didn't quit!

"PLEASE don't leave me!" he begged melodramatically, even going so far at one point as to fall to his knees! It was the funniest thing I'd ever seen. :oP

Finally, he became serious again and started walking toward the back room. "Have a good time," he called to me. "Try not to miss me too much!"

The sad truth of it is, I am going to miss a lot of people there! Well, not a LOT...*counts*...Probably just like 6. *falls over giggling* That's a big difference, going from "a lot" to just 6! And I'm only gone for a week, so it isn't as if I'll NEVER see them again...It's just so bittersweet! *sniffles*

Right before I left, I looked at Geoff and said, "Okay, I know it's in public and you don't like these sorts of things, but"--I opened my arms--"gimme a hug." And he did. :oP

In other news, that ABC "mega-series" called Dinotopia has turned out to be a TERRIBLE disappointment. Granted, last night I only got to see a small portion of it (made even smaller by the fact that I kept switching over to watch the Star Wars Fan Film Awards), but it's so PATHETIC! I was hoping it would be something like The 10th Kingdom (since it's produced by the same guy), but it's not at ALL like's just stupid. I watched a little bit more tonight, and all I could think was, "Geez, I hope Frank calls me soon, so I can go online!" (Y'see, after getting 3 hugs from him, Frank told me he'd call me tonight, hehe....)

Tomorrow at this time, I'll be in Arizona, probably asleep thanks to jet lag. :oP I hope NOT to be asleep, though, because it's all going to be so new and exciting! I've been all up and down the East Coast, now it's time to conquer the west, bwa ha ha... ;) The plane trip's going to be the worst of it, though...

Linda got on my nerves today because she found out that I'd never actually met Lola in person before. Eesh! Yes, it IS nice of people to worry a little bit--only because I know it means they care--but it's just...augh! Very annoying! Sure, technically speaking, Laura and I can't REALLY know if the other person is harmless, but we've both got these diaries, and SHE'S got pictures of herself in her new design...why would either of us go through so much effort of making up stuff for these diaries if we were just looking to lure people in? Okay, I guess there ARE some sickos out there who would do all that. But neither she nor I see this as being any different than pen pals...and if I told Linda that I was meeting a pen pal, she probably wouldn't be worried.

It's funny that everyone ELSE should be so worried, when I--the one who's doing this--am not worried in the slightest! This is going to be fun! I'm going to see real live cacti growing out of the ground, if I'm lucky! ;) Right, like that's the most important part of all this...*giggles*

Anyway, I'm not sure if this'll be my last entry for the week or not. Mebbe Laura will be a generous soul and let me commandeer her computer for long enough to write an entry. ;)

last or next

Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!