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Today's rambling: Shopping spree
Written on February 27, 2002 at 11:43 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Now that I've had my fun with my site tracker...

Tiff and I went to Pier 1 Imports today, and I was almost hoping I could find some cute little piece of furniture. Found a chair that I like, but of course everything in there is so insanely expensive that I couldn't afford it unless I was married to Bill Gates. Okay, maybe it's not THAT bad...

We went to the mall first, though. I don't know why I even suggested it, since I can't stand to go to the mall unless there's something there that I absolutely must have and can't get anywhere else. Otherwise, I hate being around all those snobby teenagers and generally feeling so self-conscious that I sort of shrink in on myself.

But we stepped into Waldenbooks, and about two minutes after entering I found...The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer. I'd wanted that book ever since watching "Rose Red" on TV, but I admit that I'd forgotten about it between then and now. But it was right there in full view, and even if I hadn't seen it there on the shelf, there was a display right by the cash register, so I wouldn't have been able to miss it!

Tiff picked up a book toward the back of the store and started reading it, so I continued to wander around. Found a book about Harry Potter (that was NOT approved--as the caption on the cover stated--by J.K. Rowling) was something about analyzing the books, I forget the exact title. Somewhat interesting, but I didn't feel like standing there and really reading into it. I was trying to find Sewing for Dummies, just so I could glance through it and see how difficult it looked, but of course they didn't have THAT particular book. But hey, if I don't know how to have sex, they have Sex for Dummies. I was not aware that people needed to have a guide in order to perform such an act. Reminds me of a conversation Geoff and I had once... �_�

Anyway, so after a little while I came back to Tiff, who finally put the book down. She'd let me read the back cover earlier, and it had sounded really interesting, but when I saw the front was Ella Enchanted, the book Lola talked about! Sort of weird! Since both Lola and Tiff said it was good, I decided I'd buy it. But I'm letting Tiff read it first since 1) She started reading it first ;) and 2)She'll be leaving soon! :(

The cashier guy was sort of weird...He had this hesitant look on his face as if he expected me to abruptly lunge across the counter and attack him. Maybe I had that sort of murderous look on my face. Heh. The magic of Rose Red seeping from the book into my body...bwa ha ha ha...

Someone on a t10k message board I visit said that according to the CBS website, the diary is a fake. I don't know if it is or not. There's nothing in any of the editor's notes to suggest that it's a fraud, but yet the words (Ellen's words) are so flowery and poetic that I can't imagine this could be true. At least, I never write in my diary like that. She copies down conversations she's had in her diary, and I do that as well. But the way she writes them, you'd think she'd JUST had (or was in the process of having) the conversation, because she doesn't indicate anywhere that perhaps the words she's written weren't the exact words said. When I write down my conversations, I usually add things like, "...or something to that effect", and "He/she said something like.." But there's none of that with what she's written.

Which doesn't necessarily mean the whole diary's a fake...she just might not feel it necessary to mention the fact that the conversations aren't verbatim.

But then there's the stuff I read right near the beginning. How she has this terrible sense of foreboding, and how one night she was praying that if John was sleeping with other women behind her back, she wished a terrible end for him (and then some mysterious wind knocked a tree through her bedroom window). Maybe she had some kind of innate power that manifested itself like that. But it just makes me think that maybe this diary isn't what it's being proclaimed to be.

I don't care if it's fake, though. I really don't. I can still read it and enjoy it for its fictional value just as much as I could enjoy it for any nonfictional value. It's just that I'd like to be absolutely certain whether or not it was fictitious! Oh well.

We went to Barnes & Noble and Target as well. I got three tubes of lip balm, so I won't be running out for quite some time and I won't have to use that crappy Blistex stuff, either. Bought this 3-pack awhile ago called "Fruit Smoothies", thinking that they'd be really nice. But they're disgusting. All three of them are overly perfumy, so if you get any of it in your mouth (by licking your lips or whatever), it tastes really awful. And it does absolutely nothing for moisturizing...if anything, I think it makes the chapping worse! So never buy the Blistex "Fruit Smoothies", okay?

Lola just went to bed, and I think I'm going to do the same. It's after midnight, and I have to work 8:30 to 5 tomorrow. Weird hours. Thankfully, John's not there, wheee!!!! And then I have off on Friday! Hey Tiff, wanna go down to the store and meet Geoff? *giggles* Kidding! I'm afraid he'd scare my friends off, what with his oddness...

Mom wants me to email Dad and tell him that his stuff is at the house, and it's empty now so he can go get it. I told her that I would not email him, but she doesn't want his stuff (yearbooks, I think) to be destroyed. There has to be another way to get in contact with him, however. I refuse to email him, I'm sorry.

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!