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Today's rambling: Umm...
Written on January 12, 2002 at 6:42 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Yesterday I got an email from a girl whom I haven't seen OR talked to since I graduated in 1999. It was SO weird to hear from her! I mean, it was really nice, but still weird! Y'know how there are just some people you never expect to hear from ever again after high school? I figured she'd turn out to be one of them. Not that it would've been her fault...I mean, I suck at keeping up correspondences, LoL! But yeah. You get what I mean. Right?

Lessee...aha! I didn't actually have to drag Geoff forcibly to lunch today. *sighs* Shame, too. ;) I walked over to him, leaned over this shopping cart that was in my way (not someone else's shopping cart..I'm not THAT rude!), and said, "Around two-ish...what will you be doing?"

"What time is it now?"

"'s either one-thirty or almost one-thirty."

He and Ben were cleaning the dairy racks (that's what was in the shopping cart--yogurt they had to take out in order to clean the shelf), so he looked down at all the stuff, then said "We should be done with all this by then."

"You wanna go to lunch with me, then?"


*Victory Dance* (Y'know, if he actually DOES know where this diary is and reads it, he probably gets a huge kick out of it.)

So yeah, that was nice. Ended up spending more than half an hour back there, but that's alright, no one seemed to have missed me. Oo, I was cracking up at one point. The Leprechaun (aka Jay) came sauntering into the break room, said something to Erin, then went into the smoking room. After awhile, I turned (I was sitting at the other table, which is right in front of the door to the smoking room) and was surprised to see that the door was closed. Geoff made a comment (something referring to my looking around), and I murmured to him that Jay likes to eavesdrop. So, fairly loudly, Geoff goes, "I hate short people."

Maybe you had to be there, but I almost choked on my food. I still wonder how Leprechaun reacted as he further stunted his growth back there in that room.

Ah well. Mom took off all this upcoming week so that she can start packing and whatnot, but I'm going to be working tomorrow through Tuesday, and then Friday and Saturday as well. I would've taken off as well, but we're going to need at least a little bit of money coming in! I'll have Wednesday and Thursday to get a little bit of packing accomplished...though part of Wednesday HAS to consist of setting up Cadbury in Pierre's old crate! Eventually I want to put in some levels so that she can jump up and stuff, but for now I'm just going to find a large shoe box for a nesting box (she's going to be having her babies quite soon), and I'm going to put a litter box in as well. Cassidy (I'm still debating on calling him DC, hehe, but he's gone through so many name changes!) is going to stay in the old cage. And eventually I'll actually get him neutered. Hormonal beast...

Cichlids and I will never inhabit the same house ever again. I like fish that coexist peacefully, and these things are mean! Well, not MEAN exactly, but they get really aggressive over things like food. A website that I looked at said to feed them about 2 or 3 times a day, and I feed them twice a day...but today when I got home, the smaller of the two fish (the white one with black tiger-like stripes) was dead...and his insides had been eaten! It sounds nastier than it actually was--I mean, there was nothing left in there, so how COULD I be truly grossed out?--but still! That fish had been FINE this morning when I left! I'd fed them, they were both eating well...but apparently the bigger fish decided that he wasn't going to let the other one have HIS share of meals! So he killed him! That's it. It's tetras from this point onward. Well, as soon as this big fish bites it, watch, he will NEVER die.

I'm going to go now. There's a new chapter up on this Laby fanfic that I like, and so I want to read it!

Oh, by the way...according to Ernie, I'm evil. WOO HA! *giggles*

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!