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Today's rambling: Quizzie quizzie!
Written on December 30, 2001 at 6:42 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Okay, Jam, I'm gonna be a total copycat and do those quizzes you have in your diary! ;)

How Polite Are You?

Your Score: 90

Are you, by any chance, a member of the Royal Family? You've got impeccable manners, and a standard of decorum high above that of the average Joe-blow. You wouldn't dream of behaving in a way that may offend or disgust others, and nearly always put decent social conduct above your own discomfort. This is a gift that certainly gives you the advantage in many situations - no one would hesitate to bring you home to meet the parents, for example. One warning though; the rules of decorum evolve with time (how many men you know would lay their jacket across a mud puddle for a lady friend?) and sometimes you can simply throw them out the window. No one expects you, for example, to buy your low-down ex a lavish wedding present. You have every right to be proud of your super-polite behavior, but don't get so hung up on etiquette that others take advantage of your good intentions.

*giggles* Friends of mine (the ones that don't mind "breaking wind"--as the quiz refers to it--in front of people) have remarked on the fact that I don't seem to do anything vaguely rude in public. I just don't like attracting attention to myself! And besides, it's not like it's WRONG to be polite, hehe...Now do you understand my earlier rants about politeness (or the lack thereof) in society? ;)

The Grudge Test

Your score: 70

You're one tough cookie when it comes to forgiveness. In fact, you tend to hang on to bad feelings long after the offense was committed - although in many of the situations on this test, your tendency to hold a grudge was warranted. It's not every day that we're faced with such extreme situations as getting food poisoning in a restaurant or a loved one being murdered. The truth is, none of us really know how we would respond if any of these things (God forbid) should actually happen. Anger, bitterness and even thoughts of revenge can be normal human reactions when we've been seriously hurt by another person's actions. The important thing, however, is that you are able to draw the line between such serious offenses and other more common ones. Do you hold a grudge, for example, even when someone sincerely apologizes? Do you have a hard time forgetting small errors of human judgment? If so, you may want to take a long look at your unforgiving nature: are you so flawless that you never make any mistakes? Someday, it may be you on the other side of the fence, begging for forgiveness. Wouldn't you like to be given a second chance?

Ummm...hehe...yeah, I definitely have gotten to the point where I find it hard to forgive people. I wasn't always like that, but after so long being taken advantage of, it's hard not to get upset. And that's not much of an excuse, but hey, that's how it is!

The Friendship Test

Your score: 35

Despite that low score, it tells me that I'm a "happy medium". 35 is a happy medium? It's a good thing we're not supposed to take these quizzes seriously, because I think that's a horrible score! But the questions they asked! *giggles* Would I pee on someone's leg to alleviate the pain of a jellyfish sting? I'm not going to urinate on anybody, sorry! I'll drive ya to the hospital, but if I have to pee, it won't be on your leg! *chuckles*

Anyway, yeah, those were the only quizzes that interested me. *giggles* Y'know what, Jam? Lola? We should designate a day of the week as Quiz Day. *smiggles* Okay, not really, but we're always getting quizzes from each other (well, I have yet to find any good ones of my own for y'all to copy), so yeah! That was my Lame Idea for the day. ;) Now I'm going to close this entry and start a real one!

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!