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Today's rambling: Rose-colored contacts
Written on December 10, 2001 at 10:28 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Bought more presents tonight! Well...I bought two. So it's not a whole lot. But I've got one friend taken care of, and my father too! Woo ha!

I also bought the N64 game "Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage", or whatever it's called. I'd been debating on whether or not to buy it for awhile, because while it sounded interesting, I wasn't sure if it was really a me sort of game.

So, it possible to return video games? Because this one is going right back to the store, if at all possible. I knew I should've gotten the Powerpuff Girls instead! This game was SO utterly confusing and pointless, I think I played for maybe an hour and hardly got anywhere at all!

You play this guy called...Alaron, I think. He's a squire, and he's always getting himself into trouble or something like that. So he runs off into the forest, and then after all the cinematics are over, you get stuck there in the middle of the forest trying to find your way around. Get attacked by goblins, who all but kill you, then some freaky looking (wait, they're ALL freaky-looking) healer saves you. So she gives you a lighted path back to the road. Blah blah, you walk for awhile, kill some giant rats (who grunt like men when they die), and then all of a sudden--SALVATION! A guard finds you and says that the king has had people out searching for you for days! (I just realized that I went from talking about the game in 3rd person to talking in 2nd person...sorry, hehe)

One would THINK that the guard would escort you back to the castle. However, he's like, "You'd better get back now! I'll run ahead and tell them you're coming!" Okay. Let's think about this. Alaron has a penchant for just running off and doing his own thing. Wouldn't it be the guard's responsibility to see this kid home himself? Who's to say that Alaron isn't just going to make a rude gesture at his retreating form, and then go get himself killed by another goblin ambush?

Of course, part of my irritation is due to the fact that I didn't know WHERE in creation I was going, and so a little help would have been nice. Oh ho! If only I'd known what lay ahead!

Upon reaching the castle, you get to sit through another long and boring cinematic conversation, where the polygonal characters (Prince Sheridon looked quite comical) sway back and forth and gesticulate like drunken men. "*hic!* 'laron! The king, 'e's really *hic!* worr...worr...'E wantsta see you!" No, he didn't really say that. Might as well have, though...

So then you're told that you need to go to the throne room, and then you're once again left unceremoniously out in the rain to fend for yourself. Enter the castle, and the same knight guy is waiting just inside. You can converse with people outside of the cinematics, and you get several different questions you can ask. I was hoping one of them might be "Where's the throne room?" but alas, there was nothing.

I spent no less than 20 minutes trying to find this blasted throne room, which admittedly was mostly my fault. There are signs next to SOME of the doors that tell you what lay beyond, and so I was following the ones for the throne room. I got into the actual throne room, but the camera angles are so funky that it's hard to really see anything. So I ended up passing right through the throne room because I didn't realize it WAS the throne room (the king was standing off to the side'd have THOUGHT he might have shouted out upon seeing the wayward squire enter, rather than just let him run past like a lost idiot). Got myself completely lost in a bunch of rooms and things, until finally I came back to the throne room and saw that hey! There was a section off to the side that I hadn't been able to see before!

King My-Head-Is-Too-Small-For-My-Body informs Alaron that the goblin poison is too much for any of the castle wizard-type folks to cure, and so Alaron has to trek to a distant city (or something like that). He's only allowed to take two companions, so he has to go find them AND ask them if they want to go. Was given quite a list of people who could go along, but I only ended up finding one of them. Brenna, as she was called, told Alaron to meet her in the weapons room, then mysteriously disappeared. Once again, I was left to find a place I'd never been to.

That's when I finally passed the end of my tolerance and disgustedly turned the game off. If I can get back to WalMart, I'm going to ask if I can exchange that piece of junk for the Powerpuff girls. *giggles* Though in all honesty, I should just stick with Mario games. With the exception of SM64, they're more fun.

A review of Aidyn Chronicles - It is eery how my thoughts were echoed in this review. You HAVE to read it! I was laughing because everything I'd said was pretty much repeated there! And even though I didn't mention the fact that Alaron is out looking for a farmer in the beginning of the game, I had been wondering why! So anyway, go there! ;)

Got to try out Luigi's Mansion for GameCube today. Other than the fact that he looks TOO funny when he runs, I don't think I like that game, either. Give me the simple games of Nintendo and Super Nintendo; this 3D stuff sucks! Hehe...The only technological advances I'm interested in have to do with computers. When it comes to video games, my motto is 'the simpler the better'. ;)

Now let's see, I'm sure I'd had SOMETHING else to talk about...

Well for starters, I forgot what day Lola said I had to go back home. *giggles* I remember the arrival date, but I was thinking last night that the 12th was when I had to leave again! But the 12th is when we're going to Disneyland, isn't it? I should make an itinerary. But I can't even spell it, much less actually MAKE one! Not organized enough, y'see.

I had a dream last night that I was in gym class (yet it wasn't REALLY gym class) and we were all going to play hockey on this patch of asphault outside. So I strapped on a pair of rollerblades (I've never tried those in my life, btw) and headed out. In my dream, I knew I'd never rollerbladed (is that a word?) before, but I was doing SO well! I was zooming around and making these fancy stops and fact, I remember telling someone in my dream that I couldn't believe how well I was doing, LoL! Then I guess the playground bullies came or something (you know those types that are like, "This space is OURS!"), and all of a sudden the people I was playing hockey with dropped to their knees in a submissive posture. It was all very strange.

Some girl on FanFiction.Net put a smut scene into her Labyrinth story, but I think she must not be very high on the age scale. She's all trying to be mature with what she's writing, but then all of a sudden she puts in little author's comments like "I always thought that would be neat, oh I have a nasty mind". Stef was right; that was one FUNNY chapter. The girl put like 3 warnings total, saying that she didn't want to get flames or anything like that. Then at the end she informed us all that she has no tolerance for ignorance or stupidity or whatever. So I quite solemnly remarked to Stef that, based on what this girl said, she must get very annoyed with herself on an almost constant basis. *smiles innocently*

Walked into KB Toys tonight, and on the floor was one of those dogs that walks a little bit, then stops and barks, and then keeps walking. It was a little black terrier sort of dog, and it was SO cute! I would've bought one, but luckily they didn't have any of the toys nearby so I didn't know where they were and therefore wasn't tempted to the point of actually buying it. *catches her breath* The manager guy was rather cute. Bwa ha ha...

At Boscov's, I saw a train set. But not just ANY train was the Hogwart's Express! It was also $99.99, so needless to say I didn't take one home with me. They also had action figures of characters from the movie...I paused to laugh at those. And they had characters from that movie...Rudolph and the Island of Misfit Toys or something like that? I know that's not the title, but oh well.

Took the Optimism/Pessimism test yesterday, and my score was a 54. So I'm pretty much right in the middle, which means I'm more or less a realist! That's not what Mr. S. would have said, but oh well, he wasn't a psychologist anyway. ;) The page told me I needed to wear rose-colored glasses a little more often, though. Which is true, I suppose, but I'd rather look at things realistically and not be disappointed then think things will always go well and then be brutally kicked to the ground!

Hmm...I think that's all! I'm going to go...take out my contact lenses or something. They're not rose-colored.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!