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Today's rambling: Clacky-clack!
Written on October 28, 2001 at 11:39 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I don't really have anything to write here, but I'm bored, and I like hearing the clacky-clack of the keys. So I figured I'd just type a lot of nonsense and see if something came out of it. ;)

Work today sucked more than yesterday, because someone must've forgotten to turn off the faucet that was my nose. I didn't get anything done because I was spending most of my time running off to blow my nose! I know, like anyone wanted to hear that. It just sucked.

The highlight of the day was when I was locked in the freezer with Geoff. *grins* Well, not really...and we weren't alone, anyway. Nina and I were in there first, and she was drawing something with her finger in the frost coating this one metal cabinet door, and she decided she wanted to show Mare. Well, I guess Geoff had either just walked into the department, or he followed Mare, but anyway Mare walked in, and Geoff was just standing in the doorway.

"Shut the door!" Nina ordered. Geoff walked in and shut the door, making some suggestive remark. ;) That was it, though. I think he's avoiding me, hehe...

Anyway, everything else about work wasn't worth repeating.

I'm suffering from DST lag. I wanted to go to sleep at what SHOULD have been 8, but turned out to only be 7. And today went by SOOO slowly, because I felt like it should've been later when hardly any time had passed at all! That wasn't any good, either.

Tried playing more Super Mario 64, and managed to do this really complicated set of wall jumps to get to a hidden star (at least, it was complicated for me), but that was about as much fun as I got out of this evening's installment of game-playing. There's just something about that game I really don't like! My new friend from TMK says I just have to get used to it, but I think it's gonna take quite a bit of 'getting used to'! Mom says it's good that I'm finding this so's a challenge, so it'll take me longer to beat than Paper Mario did. ^_^

As I was just saying to Lola, you know what's fun about not liking to swear (or not swearing at all, for that matter)? You can make up your own words. Well, they don't have to be made-up, favorite happens to be "puff". It can be used for any of those words you'd normally like to say, and when I first started using it, it made me giggle, which put me in a better mood. So go ahead. Try makin' yerself up some new words. Of course, y'all probably aren't as out there as I am, so maybe this form of swear therapy wouldn't work for you. Nonetheless, I still find it fun!

Do I swear too much in this diary? I really try to keep it down as much as possible, but there are times when I get so angry that I can't think of a better word...not even a made-up one! Guess that's not really an excuse, but yeah, I'm sorry if I've offended anyone with my lapses into foul mouthiness. ;)

Umm....OHHHHH!!!! The best news of the evening!

My favorite movie of all time, "The Slipper and the Rose", finally has a soundtrack for sale!!! Well, it was for sale when the movie first came out back in 1976, but since the movie's so obscure, it hasn't been sold for ages. But on October 2 they started selling it again, and I just ordered it from! *beams* I bought the movie, too, since the only copy I have is a worn-out version I taped off the television aaaaaaages ago. I'm so happy! I can't wait 'til I get it so I can listen to the CD over and over again! :oD

The funny thing is, I normally hate soundtracks. I never usually like songs from movies (well, maybe a scattered one here and there), but this movie just has such a great soundtrack! Well, if you like that sort of music, anyway. ;)

I remember when I first met Laura (online, anyway, since we haven't yet met irl), I was afraid to call her 'Lola' in case it was a nickname she only let close friends use or something. *giggles* I don't know what brought that up.

Okay, that's it for me. I'm tired, my nose hurts from constantly being wiped at (if you'd stop DRIPPING, nose, I wouldn't have to do it!), and I've run out of things to do on the Internet. *gasp* Who'da thunk?

Oh, one more thing, because that reminded me of something! There's this commercial that I used to hear on the radio, and it was of this guy who was telling his wife that he'd just finished the Internet. He got DSL or something, and it was so fast that he saw EVERY page on the Internet. Even his computer said, in this gay robotic voice, "You have reached the end of the Internet. You have seen all there is to see." Or something like that. ;) So I got to thinking. His wife was like, "Wow," all impressed and stuff, but do you realize something? If he saw EVERY webpage out there, that means he saw one heck of a lot of porn. I wouldn't be so proud of my husband if I was her!

And that was my Brilliant Thought for the evening. Good night.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!