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Today's rambling: Sixth Caller, baby!!!
Written on June 17, 2001 at 12:51 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Yay, I WAS CALLER 6!!!! Unfortunately, I had to be caller 21. ^^; But hey, I was still excited that I got through in the first place!!! I'm still trying to win tickets for that Oldies concert, and even though the tickets are really cheap to buy (between $9.80 and $29.80), I've never won anything in contests before! Hehe...well anyway, as soon as the song came on the radio, I picked up the phone and dialed the number...and it started ringing! Yeah, call me a dork, but I got all excited. It kept ringing and ringing, and I was thinking, "Please don't pick it up 'til you've got 20 other callers, please don't pick it up..." But then this voice came on and said "You're caller 6 -- try again!"

I called back, and after about 3 times it started ringing AGAIN...but it was a false alarm! Y'know how sometimes you call a number, and it starts ringing but then the operator comes on with a stupid message? Well, that's what this was. It rang, and then one of those automated "We're sorry -- all available circuits are busy right now." That was irritating.

But there's going to be another chance to win next hour (which is in just a few minutes), so hopefully I'll get farther than just the 6th caller! Maybe I'll get...10th caller? Heh! They announced the name of the winner on the radio, and I was like "HA! I was the sixth caller!" (Yes, I've gone insane.)

In other good news, The Berry Patch won an award from the Accents Are Sexy clique! I don't have the link on hand at the moment -- you'll have to go to my page if you want to join that particular clique (hint, hint). ;) But seriously, I hadn't expected to win an award! It's one of those awards that you can't apply for...y'know how a lot of award sites let you recommend either your own site or someone else's? Can't do that for this one. So the fact that I won this award was just too cool! *does her happy Berry dance*

I've just sent in a few pictures to the American Gerbil Society. They're doing a Color Strip project, which shows the molts of several different gerbil colors. Not something you can understand unless you have gerbils. ;) But I breed red fox gerbils, and the AGS was in need of a few pictures of that color for their project, so I volunteered to take a few! Let me just say that gerbils don't make easy photographing subjects. Hamlet (the boy I chose for the pictures) was moving all over the place! But I had to use him because his coloring was better than his wife, Ophelia. ;)

Oo, this hour I have to listen for a song by Gary Puckett. *sings* Young girl, get outta my miiiiind....*coughcough* Sorry. Thankfully they're not doing anymore Turtles songs for the moment, because I don't know many songs by them! Last hour was the Grass Roots, and I know all their songs (that are played on the radio, anyway), and the same goes for Gary Puckett. I am all SET! *grins*

I want to get out to the store and buy Kool Aid. *nods* I haven't had that stuff in awhile. And there was my Random Thought of the Moment.

CALLER EIGHTEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you realize how CLOSE I was?? *steams* Well, I was Caller 5 first, and I honestly hadn't expected to get in again. But then the line started ringing again, and I got all shaky (like I always do when I'm excited or anxious), but then the DJ came on and said "Caller Eighteen, call again!" GAH! He didn't hang up right away, so I could hear the Gary Puckett song playing over the phone line...maybe that's why I didn't win. ;) Or not...

I just realized a couple of hours ago that today is Father's Day. I have never felt more antagonized by a holiday than I have by this one! I told Mum as much a few days ago, and she was like, "Well, do you want to send him a card or something?" Absolutely not! I hadn't meant that I was feeling guilty about not sending him anything...I just hated having the holiday shoved in my face by commercials, because of course they were all saying, "Show your father how great he is by.." And my father hasn't exactly been the greatest! Even the Outback Steakhouse is playing a Father's Day commercial! A whole bunch of little kids singing stuff like "Who makes ya feel better when you get bad grades?" Not MY dad, that's for sure! I got disappointed looks -- if not downright angry ones -- if I came home with bad grades! PAH to you, Father's Day!

Of course, my contempt for this day doesn't mean I don't feel bad even a little bit. I'd never send a card to the person my father is now, but I can't help feeling a little sad that he hasn't even merited a cheap little card! *sigh* Well, I'm not going to fill this entry with "What happened to my dad?" drivel! I have better things to do with my time!

Anyway, I think I might end up writing more later tonight, so I'll just stop now. I might end up coming back after I call in to that radio station! I know you're all dying to hear if I win or not. ;) So anyway, I'm going now!

Hmmph. Tried all day long, kept calling in, but didn't get anything! My luck really sucks. And I went to to see how much it would cost to get a pair of good tickets...they add so many bloody taxes and things on that it would cost nearly $80 just for two $29.80 tickets! Yeesh! But now the contest is over, so it's either buy tickets, or don't go...and I really wanna go!!! At any rate, I'm dead tired, so I'm going to head off to bed. Maybe I'll get lucky and win the lottery tomorrow, and then I won't have to WORRY about how much the tickets are! Heh! Well, it was a nice thought while it lasted...

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!