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Today's rambling: There's nothing like it
Written on Friday, Jul. 18, 2003 at 1:36 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

My alarm rang at 8:11 this morning (I rarely ever set it for an exact time like 8 or 8:15 or whatever, hehe), and I was out of bed by 8:20. Took mah shower and found a pair of shorts that fit, and by then it was 9:20...and just as I was thinking, "Please don't call until 9:30, Geoff," the phone rang. Geoff arrived a little after 10 o'clock, and after a few minutes watching The Wayne Brady Show (and wondering how it won an Emmy), we left.

We drove down past where he lives and close to where his mother lives, pulling into a small parking lot at the entrance to a long bike trail. Since I don't really want to give specifics, I can't express exactly how long it is, but it spans several towns. I think it would take all day (maybe longer, if you're out of shape like me) to go from one end to the other. At any rate, Geoff and I only walked part of it, but I definitely felt it.

The day was gorgeous, thankfully: blue skies, golden sunlight, a delicious breeze, and no humidity. Oh, that sun got to be really annoying by the time we finished walking, but at least there was no humidity...and at least there was a breeze to cool us off somewhat, too! I'd really like to go back sometime when I have my bike, because it would be great to go even farther. Parts of this trail are so pretty, meandering through foresty areas and over bridges and things. It ran parallel to a creek for awhile, and despite my knowledge that the water was probably on the dirty side, watching the sunlight glitter off the ripples made me wish I could jump in and go swimming. That desire only increased as I grew warmer and warmer from walking under a bright sun.

We veered off the actual trail at one point and, after crossing a street, went onto a gravel path that I guess must be part of a nearby park. It went right through a forest, and off to the right were a couple of deer (one that went running the moment it saw us, hehe). To the left, right at the beginning of this path, was some kind of old obstacle course that looked like something the army might've used. There was a sign up that said something like "No Activity," so even if all the overgrowth didn't give it away, it was obvious that this obstacle course couldn't be used anymore. Actually, it reminded me of something I'd done back in 10th grade, when I lived in Massachusetts. I don't know if any of you have heard of it (or even done it) before, but it's some kinda thing that focuses on teamwork. It might've had 'Station' in its title, but I can't remember anymore. At any rate, there was this high wooden wall sort of thing that I'm sure people once had to climb over; another thing that looked like a big, wide wooden ladder; and a small platform-ish thing that was attached high up on one of the trees. It was sort of weird.

At the end of this gravel path (or at least, at our chosen end) was a big, dilapidated old stone house. There was a high barbed-wire fence all around the building, and signs interspersed that said things like "Do Not Enter" and "Building Unsafe". When we first encountered the house, we saw at least 4 big pillars off to one side of the building, each of them made of brick but then covered in what looked like concrete. I guess they used to hold up a porch or something, but by now the concrete stuff had mostly fallen off, and there was no roof or anything that might have indicated what the pillars had been used for. After walking around a bend in the path, we saw the front of the house and it is such a shame that no one ever tried to fix this place up! As I said, the house was made of stone, and it looked to be something built in Colonial days (and judging by the area we were in, I think the house WAS built in the 1700's or a little later). The front door came out onto a wooden stoop, more or less, but the roof over this stoop had such elaborate scrollwork and such. 'Course, everything was pretty much sunken in and falling apart, but it was so obvious that at one time this place was gorgeous. It's been in such a sad state for quite some time though, obviously, because there are trees growing inside the house. Relatively young trees, but still somewhat large. At any rate, that was one of the neatest things I saw while on this walk.

None of it had the lost world charm of that place Geoff and I walked through awhile ago, that area that was abandoned after Hurricane Agnes swept through way back when, but it was still pretty. Unfortunately, my feet were in a considerable amount of discomfort when we turned around, and there was still quite a way to go before we got back to his car. After crossing the bridge (back on the original trail again), I plucked a cattail that was growing by a signpost and played with that in an attempt to distract myself. When we finally got back to the park area that was around the trail, I told Geoff that I wanted to sit down on a bench for a few minutes.

We sat there comparing scars for a short while (he has more--and worse--than I do, hehe), and after that we more or less sat there in silence. Slouching over a little bit, I stared blankly at the fuzzy plant in my hand and swished it back and forth. Next thing I knew, Geoff was batting at it, much like a cat who'd seen an interesting toy. :P But soon after that we stood up again...and I quickly wished I hadn't sat down in the first place, because my feet seemed to hurt even worse than before! It wasn't an ache, but more a burning pain on the bottoms, as though I'd somehow gotten blisters. I thought that sitting down would help, but I was limping for a few minutes after standing up again!

After making it back to the car, Geoff pulled out onto the highway and then said, "Well, Toots, where do you want to eat?" *giggles* Okay, I guess that comment wasn't really integral to the story, but I just like his use of an endearment (of sorts). :P For the curious, we wound up at Applebee's, which I'd never been to before. We bought harmless cheeseburgers (and I had chicken quesadillas as well, because I was craving them last night). Even after paying our check, we sat there for another 20 minutes or more, just chatting. The place was all but empty, there was classic rock playing over the speakers...As Martha Stewart might say, "it was a good thing." ;)

So then we drove a little more and Geoff pulled into the parking lot in front of Tower Records. Figuring there was an album he wanted, I didn't remark on our location. But almost as soon as we'd gotten inside, Geoff said, "Pick something out. It's your late birthday present."

'Late' is right! XP

"But I don't want anything!" I protested. Still, we looked around...and he ended up buying me another Moody Blues album. This one is "Every Good Boy Deserves Favour," which has the lovely song "The Story In Your Eyes" on it. The CD was around 13 bucks, but I still feel like he's been spending entirely too much money on me lately. :P He always buys my meals, and when there's anything else we do that involves money, he pays for that as well. And considering the fact that he's probably got to fill his car with gas much more often because he drives up here to get me and drop me off, you could kinda think of that as spending money on me! X_X I feel guilt entirely too easily, heh...

He almost bought me some lemon water ice tonight on the way back to my apartment, but I told him I didn't want any. He bought enough stuff for me today, hehe :P When he dropped me off, he put the car in park and turned down the radio. Maybe it's just that I haven't paid attention before or something, but he doesn't usually put it into park when he drops me off. I swear I think he was expecting a hug or something tonight. And I decided not to ask for one, as much as I was yearning to lean over and feel his arms around me. It's time that boy started initiating a few of those things himself, instead of always making me do it! Sure, he's slowly coming around, what with these spontaneous phone calls and invitations, but it's time for him to take the next step. ;)

I think, once I get my laptop back, I'll burn a copy of this CD and include it with his birthday presents. He asked me to tell him how it was, because he hasn't heard it in I figure, even if he doesn't end up liking this album at least he didn't technically pay for his own copy! I'm so thoughtful, aren't I? *giggles*

Anyway, that's all that happened today. Nothing very exciting, to which I'm sure those of you still reading can attest. *grins* But hey, at least I got out and did something, right? And it was an active something! Ah, there's nothing quite like working up a sweat with the one you love.

Um...that came out allll wrong. XD

(Random note: Two nights ago, just before brushing my teeth, I looked in the mirror, pulled down my lower lip slightly to look at my gums, and sang--purposely off-key--"Yooou are so byooteefullll, to meeeeee..." Obsessed much? You be the judge.) ;)

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!