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Today's rambling: A cornucopia of things
Written on Tuesday, Jun. 04, 2002 at 7:20 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

(Regarding the description...if you've never seen that particular episode of 'Even Stevens', then I'm just sounding pretentious by using 'cornucopia'. *giggles*)

My wrist is getting worse. Well, in a way, I guess. Today as I was making Pane, I discovered something that was a little uncomfortable. I grabbed two dough balls and proceeded to flatten them against the table with my palms, so that I could throw them, frisbee-style, into the rolling machine (sheeter? Hehe). As my right hand pressed down, I felt my wrist bones (well, the two arm bones where they connect at the wrist?) grind together. Followed by a dull flash of pain. This was not good.

If I push at a certain place, the bone shifts, and creates a slightly less dull flash of pain in my arm. That doesn't happen with my left wrist.

When my wrist was healing from the fracture (a buckle fracture) that I'd received...ugh, back when I was in fifth grade (I was 10 or 11, I guess?), the doctor told me that there was new bone growing over that bump that's naturally there on the outer side of your wrist (ugh, what's that called??). If it started interfering with anything, he said, he'd have to give me some kind of a brace, I think? I don't remember exactly what it was, but it was a corrective sort of thing. However, nothing ever came of it and so I've been fine.

Up until the past week or so. It was after I came back from Arizona, I think. At first I thought it was just rheumatoid arthritis or something (because I do get a little achey sometimes when the weather is damp), but now I know it's not. I thought the bone would've stopped growing over by now, but maybe it hasn't? The thought of having to undergo surgery or something to correct this terrifies me. I've never even had STITCHES before, much less an actual surgery where they have to use things to slice at your skin! *shudder* But at the same time, I have to get this looked at, because it's not really something I can live with.

In other news, I went on break with Geoff again today, and Ben came out of the smoke room to sit with us for a little bit. I told them the story of how earlier today, Debbie was telling Karen about this mixed drink thing called "Fuzzier Navel" that she tried. "I can't wait 'til I'm 21!" I finished...because I like those fruity sorts of drinks. :oP Geoff chuckled, then fell silent for a few moments.

"When is that, again?" he inquired. I smiled to myself. If I keep getting opportunities to remind him, maybe it'll work out to my advantage! LOL...yeah right! ;)

I'm so bummed about Lola not being able to go to Clarion! I know her parents aren't complete ogres, as I've met them and they're both nice...and I know that money is definitely hard to come by...but geez! There are loans, and who knows? Maybe she'd only need to take out a loan for this year, because next year she'd be able to get more scholarships and things! If they're so against it because they don't want her to 'chicken out'...I don't know, I just think she should have the chance to try. My mom knows I chicken out of stuff a lot, but she still lets me try things because--at the time, at least--it's what I really want. I'm not saying that my mother is any better than Laura's parents, I just think they should allow her the chance to possibly do what she loves, instead of holding her there just because she can go to her current college for free! If she hadn't gotten that tuition waiver, what would have happened? She said in her diary that her parents didn't pay for her brother's education and they weren't going to pay for hers, she would've had to take out loans or whatever anyway! Maybe that would've given her more freedom, because then she could've chosen any college she wanted (after all, she'd have to pay no matter where she went, right?).

*looks apologetically to Lola* I didn't mean to rant about you and tell your whole story here, it just really upsets me! Not even so much the fact that we can't go to Clarion together...gah! Well, I think I've made my point. :oP

The last orientation thinger for Clarion is July 1-2 (it's a 2-day thing, though maybe that's how it is everywhere; I don't know). What if I don't get a response back by then? Would that mean that I couldn't even go for fall semester? Or would they expect me to just start without any prior introductions? These things worry me. I wish that I'd gotten all that stuff mailed out at the beginning of May, instead of at the end! And it's not as if I could just show up at the orientation in the hope that I was accepted, LoL! Wouldn't that be interesting!

I was supposed to be off tomorrow, but I agreed to come in and help decorate. Zenon and Joanne both told me that I'm to go in the back conference room and just base-ice cakes all day, to help make backstock for the rest of the week. However, neither of them will be present tomorrow; I'm going to have to deal with Karen, who's probably leaping at the thought of making me do all her stuff up front while she wanders off to have cigarette breaks, or whatever else she does to waste time.

I'm going to have to put my foot down. There's no way I'm staying up there again. Karen's nice enough, as I've said before, but I'm tired of getting everyone else's work piled onto me...and then being yelled at by managers because I didn't finish all of it!!! Not gonna happen. If I go into the back tomorrow, I will have PILES of cakes ready to be decorated tomorrow! We'll finally be able to keep the birthday cake section stocked! Usually, it's stocked for a day or two, then it's empty for several more, until someone can get around to making more cakes. This way, we'll have some to keep in the freezer and take out when the shelf supply runs low...It'll be like a well-oiled machine. I'm so good.

It's nearly 8 o'clock now, which is a respectable bedtime. Even though I'm going to bed around 11 pm, I still feel like each day, I'm more and more tired when I get home from work. So maybe if I go to bed early like this, I'll feel awake and refreshed tomorrow. And hopefully my back won't hurt as much as it did yesterday. If it does, however, I've got a bottle of trusty Aleve that I just bought today.

Did you know that Aleve can cause allergic reactions such as hives, asthma, shock, and facial swelling? I think I'll probably just stick to good old Tylenol from now on, since it's safe (for me, anyway). Not that I had any bad reactions from the Aleve I took, but egads! Who would want to take it and have their face swell up like a great balloon? Or go into shock, for that matter!

This is why I rarely ever take drugs. What's the use of taking something to get rid of ONE symptom, when that drug is just going to give you OTHER problems...possibly worse problems than that which you wanted to originally be rid of!

Speaking of useless...All this looking into the CIA and FBI, pointing fingers and saying, "You knew 9/11 was coming, and you didn't even try to stop it!"

I'm not trying to clear blame. If they did have information and they putzed around and did nothing, that's a terrible thing. But for goodness' sake, what GOOD is all this doing? You could be using this wasted time--and money--to protect us for the future!!! No amount of finger-pointing is going to bring back all those lost lives, or undo all that damage. It's over. It was a terrible, devastating tragedy, and it should have taught us to be much more cautious and careful, but it should NOT be a reason for all those politicians to run around like petulant children, crying "He knew about it!!! He knew about it and didn't tell anybody! I'm TELLLLLLING!!!"

As John Stossel would say, "Give me a break!"

I am now going to go. I hope Frank doesn't call tonight, as I plan to be in bed within the hour. He doesn't even get off work 'til 8:30, and if he called, I know he'd get on my case for being asleep so early. I'll just give a retort like, "You're just jealous because YOU weren't in bed with me." :oP That oughtta shut him up.

Heh. Right.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!