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Today's rambling: Creeepycreepycrawlycrawly...
Written on Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2005 at 12:47 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I was flipping my blankets over to cover the bed this afternoon, and a huge spider jumped out at me. Thank goodness, all it did was jump a little bit and then sit there, because if it had kept moving I would have absolutely flipped out. I managed to kill it (and consequently had to wash my comforter), but I knew there was no way I was going to be able to sleep tonight.

When I got home from my night class, I began doing my laundry. I think the rule was that we're not supposed to use the laundry machines down there except when there's no other option, because we have to pay for our water. Heh..and the machines are coin-operated, too. Yeah, talk about ripping us off. Anyway, I took the sheets off my bed and washed those, and once they were dried I came back up to put them on.

Deciding I didn't want to be surprised by any more spiders, I took the mattress off the wooden frame (someone just slapped this thing together, so it's not terribly sturdy) and looked underneath. Cobwebs everywhere. And I have boxes and my suitcase under there! I brought out my Swiffer duster first and got out what I could (killing several other spiders along the way, though none were as creepy as the one that had gotten onto my bed), then I went searching around for bug spray. Thank goodness we had some here, though it's supposed to be for flying insects. I reckon it'll still work on the kind that just crawls. Anyway, I sprayed the hell out of that area, and now that I've let it air out, I think I'll spray it some more. I'm going to leave my birds out in the living room for the night.

Ugh. *shudder* I freakin' hate bugs! And I can't even see them on my walls, because not only is it painted in dark colors, but it's painted in a design, too! So spiders just tend to blend right in. Yay! X_X

I got a 96% on my Management test, which made me happy...and yet frustrated, because I thought I did better than that! Yeah, I'm weird. Tomorrow (well, technically today) I'll find out how I did on my math exam. If I did well on it, that sucker will be posted somewhere on my wall. If I didn't do well...You'll probably hear my cries of anguish (yes, even all the way in Australia. LOL).

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!